Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Admission Requirements

Enrolling for this study plan is only possible based on your academic record.

Overview of the study plan

Master of Science in het management, zorg en beleid in de Gerontologie - Windesheim

Windesheim: Master of Science in het management, zorg en beleid in de Gero

Windesheim: Master of Science in het management, zorg en beleid in de Gerontologie

Schakel/Voorbereidinsgprogramma Management, zorg, beleid in de Gerontologie - Wi

Schakel/Voorbereidinsgprogramma Management, zorg, beleid in de Gerontologie - Windesheim

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 18 ECTS credits.

6ECTS credits - Statistics applied to Healthcare
3ECTS credits - Introduction to biological, psychological and social gerontology, part 1
3ECTS credits - Geriatrics and Clinical gerontology, Part 1
3ECTS credits - Research methodology of gerontology
3ECTS credits - Introduction to Policy and Services for Elderly

Master Management, zorg, beleid in de Gerontologie - Windesheim

Master Management, zorg, beleid in de Gerontologie - Windesheim

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 12 ECTS credits.

3ECTS credits - Ethical aspects in gerontology and geriatrics
3ECTS credits - Assessment in gerontology and geriatrics
3ECTS credits - Human Resources Management in Health Care
3ECTS credits - Empowerment and participation of older persons

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