Vrije Universiteit Brussel


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Overzicht inhoud van dit studieplan

Exchange Master Biology

Exchange Master Biology

Incoming Master students in Biology can make a choice among the following courses.

Important notes:
1. Please contact the responsible exchange coordinator, Prof. Marc Kochzius (marc.kochzius@vub.be), to discuss the selection of courses.
2. Make sure you select courses that are offered during your stay; either semester 1 (fall semester) or semester 2 (spring semester).
3. To avoid overlap in your timetable, it is advisable to choose courses from one of the specialisations.
4. Check the timetables on the faculty website to avoid overlap of your courses. Make sure to regularly check these timetables as they may be liable to changes: https://my.vub.ac.be/en/timetables-and-exam-schedules.

Electives for incoming Master students in Biology

Electives: Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences

6ECTS credits - Adult Stem and Progenitor Cells
6ECTS credits - Advanced Developmental Biology
6ECTS credits - Embryonic Stem Cells
3ECTS credits - UNESCO Biosphere Reserves as Model Systems
5ECTS credits - Genetics and Reproduction
6ECTS credits - Begeleide zelfstudie
5ECTS credits - Hematopoietic Cell Therapies
6ECTS credits - Integrated practical Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences
3ECTS credits - Advanced Aspects of Molecular Pharmacology
3ECTS credits - Project Writing
30ECTS credits - Masterproef Biologie
3ECTS credits - Microbial Life in Extreme Conditions
3ECTS credits - Molecular Microbiology
5ECTS credits - Plant Responses to Environmental Stress
6ECTS credits - Professional Internship
9ECTS credits - Professional Internship
3ECTS credits - Recombinant Antibody Engineering
3ECTS credits - Wetenschappelijke presentatievaardigheden en loopbaanplanning
3ECTS credits - Stem Cell Biology
6ECTS credits - Plant Molecular Biology
5ECTS credits - Gene Therapy and gene editing
5ECTS credits - Molecular Parasitology
5ECTS credits - Beta Cell Therapy in Diabetes
3ECTS credits - Bioethics
3ECTS credits - Bioinformatics
5ECTS credits - Cellular Biology and Immunology

Electives for incoming Master students in Biology

Electives: Ecology and Biodiversity

5ECTS credits - Analysis of Biological Data
6ECTS credits - Fieldtrip Ecology
6ECTS credits - Functional and Experimental Plant Ecology
6ECTS credits - Guided Self-Study
3ECTS credits - Integrated Coastal Zone Management
3ECTS credits - Integrated Practica on Ecosystems
3ECTS credits - Project Writing
5ECTS credits - Marine Biology
30ECTS credits - Masterproef Biologie
3ECTS credits - Molecular Microbiology
6ECTS credits - Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
3ECTS credits - Origin of Life and Paleontological Evolution
5ECTS credits - Plant-soil Interactions
6ECTS credits - Professional Internship
9ECTS credits - Professional Internship
3ECTS credits - Social-Ecological Systems
5ECTS credits - River & Lake Ecology
3ECTS credits - Wetenschappelijke presentatievaardigheden en loopbaanplanning
3ECTS credits - Toxins in Amphibians and Reptiles
3ECTS credits - Tropical Marine Ecology and Restoration
3ECTS credits - International Environmental Policy and Law
3ECTS credits - Introduction to GIS
3ECTS credits - Bioethics
3ECTS credits - Biogeochemistry
3ECTS credits - Biogeography
5ECTS credits - Biology of Animal Societies
3ECTS credits - Conservation Genetics

Electives for incoming Master students in Biology

Electives: Herpetology

3ECTS credits - Functional Ecology of Amphibians and Reptiles
3ECTS credits - Introduction to GIS
3ECTS credits - Project Writing
30ECTS credits - Masterproef Biologie
6ECTS credits - Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
3ECTS credits - Natural History of Burrowing Herpetofauna
3ECTS credits - Origin of Life and Paleontological Evolution
3ECTS credits - Population and Conservation Genetics
6ECTS credits - Systematics, Phylogeny and Natural History of Amphibians
6ECTS credits - Analysis of Biological Data
6ECTS credits - Systematics, Phylogeny and Natural History of Reptiles
3ECTS credits - Toxins in Amphibians and Reptiles
3ECTS credits - Biogeography
3ECTS credits - Advanced Developmental Biology
9ECTS credits - Field Trip Herpetology
6ECTS credits - Fieldtrip Ecology

Electives for incoming Master students in Biology

Electives: Human Ecology

6ECTS credits - Analysis of Biological Data
3ECTS credits - UNESCO Biosphere Reserves as Model Systems
6ECTS credits - Field Sampling and Analysis
3ECTS credits - Governance and Policy in Development and Cooperation - Part I
6ECTS credits - Guided Self-Study
3ECTS credits - Integrated Coastal Zone Management
3ECTS credits - International Environmental Policy and Law
3ECTS credits - Introduction to GIS
3ECTS credits - Management of Aquatic Resources: Fisheries
3ECTS credits - Project Writing
30ECTS credits - Masterproef Biologie
3ECTS credits - Medical Biotechnology and Parasitology
3ECTS credits - Natural Risk Management
6ECTS credits - Professional Internship
9ECTS credits - Professional Internship
3ECTS credits - Social-Ecological Systems
6ECTS credits - Risk Assessment
5ECTS credits - River & Lake Ecology
3ECTS credits - Wetenschappelijke presentatievaardigheden en loopbaanplanning
3ECTS credits - Tropical Marine Ecology and Restoration
3ECTS credits - Global Change Biology
4ECTS credits - Impact Assessment
3ECTS credits - Nature-Based Solutions for Development
3ECTS credits - Bioethics
3ECTS credits - Natural Hazards
6ECTS credits - Functional and Experimental Plant Ecology
3ECTS credits - Conservation Genetics

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