Faculteit Wetenschappen en Bio-ingenieurswetensch.


Inschrijven voor dit studieplan is mogelijk indien u een van de onderstaande diploma's heeft behaald:

Academic Bachelor's programme fysica
Academic Bachelor's programme fysica en de sterrenkunde

U kan eveneens inschrijven voor dit studieplan na het volgen van het Voorbereidingsprogramma Master of Science in Physics and Astronomy.

Overzicht inhoud van dit studieplan

The Master of Science in Physics and Astronomy, minor Economy and Business is composed of:
- 36 ECTS-credits compulsory courses
- 30 ECTS-credits master thesis
- 24 ECTS-credits elective courses specific for Economy and Business
- 30 ECTS-credits minor Research electives

In totaal, omvat dit studieplan 120 ECTS credits.

MSc Physics and Astronomy - Economy and business - compulsory courses

These courses are envisioned to be part of year 1 of the model trajectory.

Om deze module af te werken, moet de student 66 ECTS credits behalen.

First year Master Compulsory courses

These courses are envisioned to be part of year 1 of the model trajectory.

Uit de hieronder genoemde cursussen, moet voor ten minste 36 ECTS credits worden geselecteerd.

6ECTS credits - High-Energy Astrophysics
6ECTS credits - Computational Physics
6ECTS credits - Quantum Field Theory
6ECTS credits - Subatomic Physics II
6ECTS credits - General Relativity
3ECTS credits - Economics for Business
3ECTS credits - Inleiding tot ondernemerschap

Second year Master Compulsory courses

Registration for the 'Master Thesis Physics and Astronomy' is only allowed in graduation phase.

Uit de hieronder genoemde cursussen, moet voor ten minste 30 ECTS credits worden geselecteerd.

30ECTS credits - Master Thesis Physics and Astronomy

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Master of Science in Physics & Astronomy - Economy & Business - Elective courses

54 ECTS-credits to choose from the elective courses Economy and Business or from the list of elective courses minor Research. The student cannot choose a course for which he/she has already passed in the Bachelor.
Electives not listed below have to be approved by the chairman of the educational board.

Electives Economy and Business

For the minor Economy and Business, the student has to choose 24 ECTS-credits from the list below.

Uit de hieronder genoemde cursussen, moet voor ten minste 24 ECTS credits worden geselecteerd.

6ECTS credits - Bedrijfsinformatica
4ECTS credits - Elektronica
6ECTS credits - Systeem- en controletheorie
4ECTS credits - Elektronische componenten
3ECTS credits - Entrepreneurship
3ECTS credits - Business Aspects of Biotechnology
3ECTS credits - Business Aspects of Innovation in Materials
3ECTS credits - Business Aspects of Micro-electronics and Photonics
3ECTS credits - Business Aspects of Software Industry
6ECTS credits - Databanken
3ECTS credits - EUTOPIA Learning Unit - Technological Business Development Project
6ECTS credits - Marketing
6ECTS credits - Operationeel beheer en logistiek
6ECTS credits - Computersystemen
6ECTS credits - Financieel management en investeringsanalyse
3ECTS credits - Global Change

Electives Research

These elective courses are part of year 1 and 2 of the model trajectory.

Uit de hieronder genoemde cursussen, moet voor ten minste 30 ECTS credits worden geselecteerd.

6ECTS credits - Electroweak and Strong Interactions
6ECTS credits - Simulation of Physics Phenomena and Detectors in Modern Physics
6ECTS credits - Physics and Chemistry of Nanostructures
6ECTS credits - Modelling and engineering of nanoscale materials
6ECTS credits - Radioactiviteit en stralingsdosimetrie
6ECTS credits - Kwantumelektrodynamica
6ECTS credits - Advanced Field Theory
6ECTS credits - Nuclear Methods in Material Research
6ECTS credits - Veeldeeltjesfysica
6ECTS credits - Structuuranalytische technieken in de vastestoffysica
6ECTS credits - Nuclear Instrumentation
6ECTS credits - Continuum Mechanics
6ECTS credits - Plasma Physics
6ECTS credits - Plasma Technology and Fusion Technology
6ECTS credits - Nucleaire astrofysica
6ECTS credits - Hadrons and nuclei from a theoretical perspective
6ECTS credits - Extensions of the Standard Model
6ECTS credits - Medical Physics
6ECTS credits - Inleiding tot de dynamica van atmosferen
6ECTS credits - Capita Selecta Solid-state Physics
4ECTS credits - Optical Spectroscopy of Materials
6ECTS credits - Atomic and Molecular Physics
6ECTS credits - Observational Techniques in Astronomy
6ECTS credits - Kosmologie en galaxievorming
6ECTS credits - Nanomagnetism
6ECTS credits - Modeling complex systems
6ECTS credits - Strongly Correlated Quantum Systems
6ECTS credits - Quantum Computing
6ECTS credits - Luminescence
6ECTS credits - Computationele materiaalfysica
6ECTS credits - Kwantum zwarte gaten en holografie
6ECTS credits - Radiative Transfer Simulations in Astrophysics
6ECTS credits - Geschiedenis en filosofie van de wetenschappen: fysica en sterrenkunde
3ECTS credits - Capita Selecta in Particle Physics (A)
6ECTS credits - Experimental Techniques in Particle Physics
3ECTS credits - Capita Selecta in Particle Physics (B)
6ECTS credits - Object Oriented Programming (C++) for Physicists
6ECTS credits - Early Universe Cosmology
6ECTS credits - Evolution of Stars and Stellar Systems
6ECTS credits - Astroparticle Physics

Electives conditional to the a

Electives conditional to the agreement of the educational board

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