Faculteit Sociale Wetensch & SolvayBusinessSchool


Inschrijven voor dit studieplan is mogelijk indien u een van de onderstaande diploma's heeft behaald:

Academic Bachelor's programme toegepaste economische wetenschappen
Academic Bachelor's programme toegepaste economische wetenschappen: bedrijfskunde
Academic Bachelor's programme toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur

U kan eveneens inschrijven voor dit studieplan na het volgen van het Voorbereidingsprogramma Master of Science in International Business (enkel in het Engels).

Overzicht inhoud van dit studieplan

The model trajectory for the MSc in International Business consists of two modules.

In totaal, omvat dit studieplan 120 ECTS credits.

Module 1 MSc in International Business

This module consists of 60 ECTS of compulsory courses. For students who start the MSc in International Business programme, it is recommended to start with this module that corresponds with the first year of the model trajectory.

Om deze module af te werken, moet de student 60 ECTS credits behalen.

Uit de hieronder genoemde cursussen, moet voor ten minste 60 ECTS credits worden geselecteerd.

6ECTS credits - International Trade
6ECTS credits - International Finance
6ECTS credits - Financial Reporting and Auditing
6ECTS credits - EU Competition Policy
6ECTS credits - Strategic Management
6ECTS credits - Information Systems Strategy and Management
6ECTS credits - Research Paper
6ECTS credits - International Business Law
6ECTS credits - Governance, Law, and Policy of the European Union
6ECTS credits - Advanced Marketing

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Module 2 MSc in International Business

All of the students who (almost) finished 'Module 1 MSc in International Business' can continue with this second module that corresponds with the second year of the model trajectory. This module consists of 36 ECTS of compulsory courses. In total the student needs to obtain at least 120 ECTS over both of the modules to be able to graduate.

Om deze module af te werken, moet de student 36 ECTS credits behalen.

Uit de hieronder genoemde cursussen, moet voor ten minste 36 ECTS credits worden geselecteerd.

6ECTS credits - Corporate Social Responsibility
6ECTS credits - Multinational Strategic Planning
18ECTS credits - Master Thesis International Business
6ECTS credits - Advanced International Economics
18ECTS credits - Master Thesis International Business: Pre-doctoral Track

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Module 2 MSc in International Business

All of the students who (almost) finished 'Module 1 MSc in International Business' can continue with this second module that corresponds with the second year of the model trajectory. This module consists 24 ECTS of elective courses. In total the student needs to obtain at least 120 ECTS over both of the modules to be able to graduate.

Om deze module af te werken, moet de student 24 ECTS credits behalen.

Practical courses

The student has to choose 24 ECTS of electives with a maximum of 12 ECTS of practical courses (such as internship, trade mission, international business project,...).

6ECTS credits - Microeconomics of Competitiveness
6ECTS credits - Handelsmissie
6ECTS credits - Internship
12ECTS credits - Internship
6ECTS credits - International Business Project


The student has to choose 24 ECTS of electives with a maximum of 12 ECTS of practical courses (such as internship, trade mission, international business project,...).

6ECTS credits - Global Banking
6ECTS credits - International Corporate Finance
6ECTS credits - Advanced Accounting and International Financial Statements
6ECTS credits - IT Modeling and Economics
6ECTS credits - Project Management
6ECTS credits - Decision Analytics
6ECTS credits - Risk Management
6ECTS credits - Supply Chain Management
6ECTS credits - Fundamentals of Data Science

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