
Niet van toepassing.

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Learning Outcomes

Niet van toepassing.

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Academic plans

In the context of this programme, the following academic plans are offered:

Guestplan AP_Bachelor Rechtspraktijk Recht
Guestplan BRUFACE Civil Engineering
Guestplan MA_DC Leads
Guestplan Master Gender en Diversiteit
Guestplan PGuestplan Internet of Things
Guestplan UGent_Master Maritime Science
Leerstoel "De Berekuyl Exercise Immunology & Chronic Fatigue in Health & Disease"
Master in de Revalidatiewetenschappen & Kinesitherapie bij Neurologische aandoeningen
Master in de Revalidatiewetenschappen en Kinesitherapie bij inwendige aandoeningen
Master of Science in Architectural Engineering (BRUFACE - ULB first year)
Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering
Master of Science in Disaster Medicine
Master of Science in Photonics Science and Engineering
Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering (MA WARE)
Master of science in Electromechanical Engineering, Aeronautics track (BRUFACE - ULB first year)
Master of science in Electromechanical Engineering, Energy track (BRUFACE - ULB first year)
Master of science in Electromechanical Engineering, Mechatronics-Construction track (BRUFACE - ULB first year)
Master of science in Electromechanical Engineering, Vehicle Technology and Transport track (BRUFACE - ULB first year)
Master of science in Electronics and Information Technology Engineering (BRUFACE - ULB first year)
Studiedelen binnen de Bachelor Taal- en letterkunde voor studenten Toegepaste Taalkunde EhB.
Dual Master in Comparative Corporate and Financial Law (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan BRUFACE Chem & Material Eng (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Bachelor Wetensch & Bio-Ing (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan EHB_Verpleegkunde&BMLT (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan EhB kleuter/lager/ped.jk (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan EhB_Bachelor Toerisme & Recreatie (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Elective Faculty ES (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Elective Faculty LW (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan InterU_ResearchMaster Philosophy (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan KAE 7BWO (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Master Applied Computer Science (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Master Applied Informatics (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Master Bio-Ingenieur (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Master Biology (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Master Chemistry (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Master Computer Science (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Master Family Medicine (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Master Farmaceutische Zorg (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Master Geneesmiddelenontwikkel (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Master Geography (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Master Global Health (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Master Hospital Hygiene & Infec (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Master Hospital Pharmacy (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Master Industrial Pharmacy (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Master Manuel Therapy (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Master Molecular Biology (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Master Nuclear Engineering (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Master Occupational Medicine (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Master Oceans & Lakes (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Master Physics&Astronomy (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Master SuLaMa AR UrbanLandEng (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Master Urban Studies (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Master UrbanDesign & TerritorDev (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Master Wiskunde (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan Master Youth Health Care (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan PGuestplan Radioprotection (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan UGent_PREP Master Sociology (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan ULB Master éducation (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan ULB Psychologie (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan ULB_Bachelor Architectural Eng (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan ULB_Bachelor LTC mineure Politieke (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan ULB_Bachelor Sciences humaines&soc (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan ULB_Bachelor Sciences politiques (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan ULB_Bachelor Sciences économiques (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan ULB_Bachelor Sociologie et anthrop (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan ULB_Master Admin Publique (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Guestplan ULB_Master Langues/Journalisme (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Master of Arts in de literatuurwetenschappen (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Studiedelen binnen de Masteropleiding in de Criminologische wetenschappen voor studenten van de ULB (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Studiedelen binnen de Masteropleiding in de Rechten voor studenten van de ULB (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Studiedelen binnen de bachelor in de communicatiewetenschappen voor studenten van de EhB (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)
Studiedelen binnen de master in de communicatiewetenschappen voor studenten van de ULB (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually)

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