Niet van toepassing.
Niet van toepassing.
In the context of this programme, the following academic plans are offered:
Guestplan AP_Bachelor Rechtspraktijk Recht |
Guestplan BRUFACE Civil Engineering |
Guestplan MA_DC Leads |
Guestplan Master Gender en Diversiteit |
Guestplan PGuestplan Internet of Things |
Guestplan UGent_Master Maritime Science |
Leerstoel "De Berekuyl Exercise Immunology & Chronic Fatigue in Health & Disease" |
Master in de Revalidatiewetenschappen & Kinesitherapie bij Neurologische aandoeningen |
Master in de Revalidatiewetenschappen en Kinesitherapie bij inwendige aandoeningen |
Master of Science in Architectural Engineering (BRUFACE - ULB first year) |
Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering |
Master of Science in Disaster Medicine |
Master of Science in Photonics Science and Engineering |
Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering (MA WARE) |
Master of science in Electromechanical Engineering, Aeronautics track (BRUFACE - ULB first year) |
Master of science in Electromechanical Engineering, Energy track (BRUFACE - ULB first year) |
Master of science in Electromechanical Engineering, Mechatronics-Construction track (BRUFACE - ULB first year) |
Master of science in Electromechanical Engineering, Vehicle Technology and Transport track (BRUFACE - ULB first year) |
Master of science in Electronics and Information Technology Engineering (BRUFACE - ULB first year) |
Studiedelen binnen de Bachelor Taal- en letterkunde voor studenten Toegepaste Taalkunde EhB. |
Dual Master in Comparative Corporate and Financial Law (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan BRUFACE Chem & Material Eng (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Bachelor Wetensch & Bio-Ing (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan EHB_Verpleegkunde&BMLT (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan EhB kleuter/lager/ped.jk (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan EhB_Bachelor Toerisme & Recreatie (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Elective Faculty ES (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Elective Faculty LW (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan InterU_ResearchMaster Philosophy (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan KAE 7BWO (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Master Applied Computer Science (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Master Applied Informatics (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Master Bio-Ingenieur (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Master Biology (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Master Chemistry (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Master Computer Science (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Master Family Medicine (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Master Farmaceutische Zorg (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Master Geneesmiddelenontwikkel (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Master Geography (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Master Global Health (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Master Hospital Hygiene & Infec (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Master Hospital Pharmacy (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Master Industrial Pharmacy (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Master Manuel Therapy (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Master Molecular Biology (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Master Nuclear Engineering (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Master Occupational Medicine (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Master Oceans & Lakes (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Master Physics&Astronomy (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Master SuLaMa AR UrbanLandEng (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Master Urban Studies (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Master UrbanDesign & TerritorDev (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Master Wiskunde (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan Master Youth Health Care (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan PGuestplan Radioprotection (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan UGent_PREP Master Sociology (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan ULB Master éducation (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan ULB Psychologie (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan ULB_Bachelor Architectural Eng (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan ULB_Bachelor LTC mineure Politieke (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan ULB_Bachelor Sciences humaines&soc (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan ULB_Bachelor Sciences politiques (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan ULB_Bachelor Sciences économiques (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan ULB_Bachelor Sociologie et anthrop (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan ULB_Master Admin Publique (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Guestplan ULB_Master Langues/Journalisme (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Master of Arts in de literatuurwetenschappen (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Studiedelen binnen de Masteropleiding in de Criminologische wetenschappen voor studenten van de ULB (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Studiedelen binnen de Masteropleiding in de Rechten voor studenten van de ULB (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Studiedelen binnen de bachelor in de communicatiewetenschappen voor studenten van de EhB (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |
Studiedelen binnen de master in de communicatiewetenschappen voor studenten van de ULB (Ad hoc: the composition of this study plan is determined individually) |