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Learning Outcomes

BNEN, the Belgian Nuclear Higher Education Network has been created in 2001 by five Belgian universities (a sixth one, ULB, joined the consortium in 2007) and the Belgian nuclear research centre (SCK•CEN) as a joint effort to maintain and further develop a high quality programme in nuclear engineering in Belgium. All academic expertise should be joined in an effort to establish one unique academic programme preparing the staff for its future functioning in the nuclear industry, to maintain the necessary competence and expertise for the continued safe use of nuclear energy and applications of radiation and nuclear techniques in industry, research and medicine.
In this programme the necessary basic knowledge and skills are taught to young engineers and scientist that are planning to join nuclear utilities or public authorities and regulators or control organisms. The diploma is also required for accreditation as a level 1 Nuclear Safety officer.
Admission to this Advanced Master programme is directly possible with a Master in Engineering (5 years of study, 300 ECTS) degree or after a make-up programme of at least 30 ECTS for Masters in Science or Industrial Engineers. The applications of the candidates are screened by the Steering Committee and often additional selfstudy is recommended to improve the level of preparedness.
In the frame of the new architecture of the European higher education environment the 60 ECTS programme is taught entirely in English and is offered as a whole or for certain blocks to foreign students as part of the European Network in Nuclear Engineering
The master programme is a demanding programme where students with different high level backgrounds in engineering have to go through highly theoretical subjects like neutron physics, fluid flow and heat transfer modelling, and apply them to reactor design, nuclear safety and plant operation and control. At a more interdisciplinary level, the programme includes some important chapters of material science, with a particular interest for the fuel cycle. Radiation protection belongs also to the backbone of the programme. All subjects are taught by academics appointed by the partner universities, whereas the practical exercises and laboratory sessions are supervised by researchers of SCK•CEN. The final thesis offers an opportunity for internship in industry or in a research laboratory.
Detailed content for the different courses can be found on the BNEN website (http://www.sckcen/BNEN/).

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Academic plans

In the context of this programme, the following academic plans are offered:

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