Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Admission Requirements

Enrolling for this study plan is only possible based on your academic record.

Overview of the study plan

Exchange Master Urban Design and Spatial Planning

Exchange Master Urban Design and Spatial Planning

Incoming Master students in Urban Design and Spatial Planning can make a choice among the following courses.

Important notes:
1. Please contact the responsible exchange coordinator, Prof. Fabio Vanin (Fabio.Vanin@vub.be), to discuss the selection of courses.
2. All courses are Master level courses, but they are open to Bachelor students providing they have sufficient background. This will be evaluated case by case by the exchange coordinator.
3. Make sure you select courses that are offered during your stay; either semester 1 (fall semester) or semester 2 (spring semester).
4. Check the timetables on the faculty website to avoid overlap of your courses. Make sure to regularly check these timetables as they may be liable to changes: https://my.vub.ac.be/en/timetables-and-exam-schedules.

6ECTS credits - European Cities in an Urbanizing World
6ECTS credits - Crime & the City II
6ECTS credits - Criminological encounters
6ECTS credits - Economic and Financial Geography
3ECTS credits - Housing
4ECTS credits - Post-war History of Construction and Architecture
3ECTS credits - Theoretical Reflections on Monument Care
4ECTS credits - Theory of Architecture and Urbanism
4ECTS credits - Architectural and construction history
6ECTS credits - History of Migration
5ECTS credits - Urban Political Economy
5ECTS credits - Infrastructure and mobility
3ECTS credits - Land Use Planning and Growth Management
3ECTS credits - Theory of Urban Planning and Design
12ECTS credits - Design Studio
6ECTS credits - Greening the City
6ECTS credits - EUTOPIA Learning Unit - Sustainable Mobility and Logistics
3ECTS credits - Introduction to GIS
6ECTS credits - Decision Support for Sustainability
6ECTS credits - Urban Social Geography
3ECTS credits - Landscape Urbanism
3ECTS credits - History of Urban Design
3ECTS credits - Global Change
3ECTS credits - Landscape Urbanism
3ECTS credits - History of Urban Design
5ECTS credits - Urban Sociology
5ECTS credits - Urban Sustainability and Circular Economy
5ECTS credits - Brussels, reading the city
6ECTS credits - Urban History
6ECTS credits - Urban Archaeology
3ECTS credits - Crime & the City I

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