Vrije Universiteit Brussel


Inschrijven voor dit studieplan is enkel mogelijk op dossier.

Overzicht inhoud van dit studieplan

Exchange MA Physics & Astronomy

Exchange MA Physics & Astronomy

Incoming Master students in Physics & Astronomy can make a choice among the following courses.

Important notes:
1. Please contact the exchange coordinator, Prof. Sophie De Buyl (sophie.de.buyl@vub.be), to discuss the selection of courses.
2. Make sure you select courses that are offered during your stay; either semester 1 (fall semester) or semester 2 (spring semester).
3. Check the timetables on the faculty website to avoid overlap of your courses. Make sure to regularly check these timetables as they may be liable to changes: https://www.vub.be/en/studying-vub/practical-info-for-students/class-and-exam-schedules/class-schedules.

6ECTS credits - High-Energy Astrophysics
3ECTS credits - Capita Selecta in Particle Physics (A)
3ECTS credits - Capita Selecta in Particle Physics (B)
6ECTS credits - Particle Radiation Detection and Measurement
6ECTS credits - Advanced Field Theory
4ECTS credits - Lasers
5ECTS credits - Quantitative Cell and Tissue Biology
6ECTS credits - Computational Physics
6ECTS credits - Optical Materials
6ECTS credits - Extensions of the Standard Model
6ECTS credits - Quantum Field Theory
6ECTS credits - Modeling complex systems
6ECTS credits - Experimental Techniques in Particle Physics
6ECTS credits - Object Oriented Programming (C++) for Physicists
6ECTS credits - Subatomic Physics II
6ECTS credits - Evolution of Stars and Stellar Systems
6ECTS credits - Astroparticle Physics
6ECTS credits - General Relativity
6ECTS credits - Statistical Foundations of Machine Learning
6ECTS credits - Electroweak and Strong Interactions

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