Vrije Universiteit Brussel


Inschrijven voor dit studieplan is enkel mogelijk op dossier.

Overzicht inhoud van dit studieplan

Exchange BA Chemistry

Exchange BA Chemistry

Incoming Bachelor students in Chemistry can make a choice among the following courses.

Important notes:
1. Please contact the responsible exchange coordinator, Prof. Yue Gao (yue.gao@vub.be), to discuss the selection of courses.
2. The choice of courses taught in English at Bachelor level is limited. You are welcome to also follow courses from our English-taught Master programme, given that you fulfill the prerequisites and the selection is approved by the responsible VUB exchange coordinator.
3. Make sure you select courses that are offered during your stay; either semester 1 (fall semester) or semester 2 (spring semester).
4. Check the timetables on the faculty website to avoid overlap of your courses. Make sure to regularly check these timetables as they may be liable to changes: https://www.vub.be/en/studying-vub/practical-info-for-students/class-and-exam-schedules/class-schedules

3ECTS credits - Environmental Chemistry
6ECTS credits - Structural Chemistry
3ECTS credits - Group Theory and Chemistry
3ECTS credits - Global Change
3ECTS credits - Academic English I
3ECTS credits - Academic English 2
6ECTS credits - Instrumental Analytical Chemistry
3ECTS credits - Reason and Engage
6ECTS credits - Sustainability: an Interdisciplinary Approach
3ECTS credits - Projectwerk fysische en computationele chemie
3ECTS credits - Projectwerk analytische- en milieuchemie
3ECTS credits - Projectwerk organische chemie
3ECTS credits - Organic Chemistry: Methods of Synthesis
3ECTS credits - Introduction to Computational Chemistry
3ECTS credits - Organic Chemistry: Structural Aspects

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