Vrije Universiteit Brussel


Inschrijven voor dit studieplan is enkel mogelijk op dossier.

Overzicht inhoud van dit studieplan

Welcome @ VUB, Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy. We are happy to help you with information on our courses and possibilities for exchange students.
Aside from our PhD programme, the Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy does not offer English programmes. We do have courses and possibilities for exchange students. These are noted below. You can choose other courses from the Dutch programme, but then you need to prove Dutch knowledge (B2) and get approval from the professor concerned.

Please contact the internationalization coordinator Katrijn D’Herdt (kdherdt@vub.ac.be) for more information.

If you are interested in clinical internships, please note that basic knowledge of French and/or Dutch is necessary to communicate with patients.

LK Exchange Ma Physiotherapy

LK Exchange Ma Physiotherapy

6ECTS credits - Evidence-based kinesitherapie bij lymfatische en oncologische aandoeningen
3ECTS credits - Rehabilitation of oncologic disorders
3ECTS credits - Capita Selecta: Sports Physiotherapy and Sports Injuries
5ECTS credits - Sport-specific rehabilitation and Return to Sport
12ECTS credits - Evidence-based preventie en revalidatie in the Healthy Ageing Context 2
3ECTS credits - Health Care and Sports, Pharmacology and Doping
4ECTS credits - Injury Risk Management in Sports Physiotherapy
6ECTS credits - Clinical Decision Making in Sports Physiotherapy
13ECTS credits - Stage Sportkinesitherapie
3ECTS credits - Evidence-based kinesitherapie bij cardiovasculaire aandoeningen
4ECTS credits - Neuroscientific aspects of neurological rehabilitation
3ECTS credits - Advanced musculoskelatal dissection anatomy of spine, pelvis and temporomandibular joint
5ECTS credits - Advanced musculoskeletal dissection anatomy of limbs, trunk and neck

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