Vrije Universiteit Brussel


Inschrijven voor dit studieplan is enkel mogelijk op dossier.

Overzicht inhoud van dit studieplan

Incoming Exchange Students can make a choice among the following courses.

Bachelor Linguistics & Literary Studies: Dutch incoming exchange students

Exchange students

3ECTS credits - Nederlandse taalkunde: klank- en woordleer
3ECTS credits - Diachronische studie van het Nederlands
6ECTS credits - Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse letterkunde na 1945
3ECTS credits - Grondige studie van de Nederlandse literatuur en haar culturele context - 2
6ECTS credits - Academische taalbeheersing Nederlands
6ECTS credits - Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse letterkunde tot 1850
3ECTS credits - Geschiedenis van het Nederlands
6ECTS credits - Nederlandse taalkunde: woord- en zinsleer
6ECTS credits - Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse letterkunde: 1850-1945
3ECTS credits - Grondige studie van de Nederlandse literatuur en haar culturele context - 1
6ECTS credits - Synchronische studie van het Nederlands

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Bachelor Linguistics & Literary Studies: German incoming exchange students

Exchange students

6ECTS credits - Deutsche Sprache I
3ECTS credits - Lexikologie und Phraseologie
6ECTS credits - Literatur um 1800: Medien- und Gattungsgeschichte
3ECTS credits - Literatur der Moderne
6ECTS credits - Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte des deutschen Sprachraums
6ECTS credits - Literatur und Gegenwart
6ECTS credits - Textlinguistik

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Bachelor Linguistics & Literary Studies: Italian incoming exchange students

Exchange students

6ECTS credits - Lingua italiana I
6ECTS credits - Letteratura italiana moderna
3ECTS credits - Classici italiani antichi e moderni
6ECTS credits - L'Italia di oggi: letteratura e storia culturale
3ECTS credits - Linguistica testuale dell'italiano
6ECTS credits - Letteratura italiana contemporanea
6ECTS credits - Varietà dell'italiano

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Bachelor Linguistics & Literary Studies: Spanish incoming exchange students

Exchange students

6ECTS credits - Lengua española I
6ECTS credits - Literatura hispanoamericana
6ECTS credits - Análisis del discurso en español
3ECTS credits - Seminario monográfico: literatura hispánica
6ECTS credits - Introducción a la literatura y cultura hispánicas
6ECTS credits - Literatura española

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Bachelor Linguistics & Literary Studies: French incoming exchange students

Exchange students

6ECTS credits - Pratique du français I
3ECTS credits - Théorie de la littérature et de l'intermédialité
3ECTS credits - Introduction à la linguistique appliquée du français
6ECTS credits - Linguistique descriptive du français moderne
6ECTS credits - Grammaire et linguistique du français: introduction
6ECTS credits - Pratique du français 2
6ECTS credits - Grammaire et linguistique du français: aperçu historique
6ECTS credits - Littérature française et intermédialité

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Bachelor Linguistics & Literary Studies: English incoming exchange students

Exchange students

6ECTS credits - Introduction to English linguistics and grammar
3ECTS credits - Synchronic Study of English
6ECTS credits - Approaches to the Literary Canon in English
3ECTS credits - Genre and Media Innovation in Literature in English
6ECTS credits - English Proficiency I
6ECTS credits - The Morphosyntax of English
6ECTS credits - Literature in English: 19th to 21st Centuries
3ECTS credits - Studies of Literature in English II
6ECTS credits - Varieties of and variation in English

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