Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Admission Requirements

Enrolling for this study plan is only possible based on your academic record.

Overview of the study plan

Incoming Bachelor students in Criminology

Electives for incoming BA students in Criminology

Incoming Bachelor students in Criminology can make a choice among the folowing courses.

The program Criminology offers Incoming Erasmus students the possibility to follow several Dutch courses in English under the form of Reading Courses. These reading courses are specially designed courses that replace the regularly scheduled courses that are taught in Dutch. Students will work on the same topics and subject material of the course but by means of regular meetings with the responsible Professor(s) in small groups.

The responsible Professor will provide the students the following information:

- The obligatory reading list. It consists of English study material that is used during the lectures of the course and can be filled up with alternative texts that replace the Dutch study material.
- The mid-term and final assignments that the student will have to perform as well as the deadlines
- The agenda with the meeting times. This meetings will be organised on a regular basis and aim at organising discussions and ‘Questions & Answers- moments’ between the Professor and the incoming erasmus students concerning the reading and subject material. These meetings will be organised individually or in small groups depending on the number of incoming Erasmus students.

6ECTS credits - Youth Law and Youth Criminology
6ECTS credits - Penology and Penitentiary Law
9ECTS credits - Theoretical Criminology and victimology
6ECTS credits - Police studies

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