Faculty of Languages & Humanities

Admission Requirements

Enrolling for this study plan is possible after having obtained one of the following degrees:


You may also be asked to provide additional documents so we may evaluate your application.

Motivatiebrief / Letter of motivation
Puntenlijst / Transcript of records

Overview of the study plan

Module 1: First bachelor (60 ECTS)
Module 2: Second bachelor (60 ECTS)
Module 3: Third bachelor - Mandatory (30 ECTS)
Module 4: Mobility window (30 ECTS)

General introduction courses

1. General courses
2. Introduction courses language I
3. Introduction courses language II

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 12 ECTS credits.

3ECTS credits - Foundations of language
3ECTS credits - European Literary History
3ECTS credits - Foundations of literary analysis
3ECTS credits - Language in multilingual contexts

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Introduction courses French

Within the 'Introduction courses French', all courses must be completed.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS credits.

6ECTS credits - French proficiency I
6ECTS credits - Grammaire et linguistique du français: introduction
6ECTS credits - Histoire de la littérature française
3ECTS credits - Le français en contexte multilingue
3ECTS credits - Introduction à l'analyse littéraire

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Introduction courses Spanish

Within the 'Introduction courses Spanish', all courses must be completed.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS credits.

6ECTS credits - Spanish I
6ECTS credits - Spanish Grammar and Linguistics: Introduction
3ECTS credits - Introducción a la literatura hispánica
3ECTS credits - Español en contexto
6ECTS credits - Cultura hispánica e historia

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Bachelor Taal- en Letterkunde

Het modeltraject van de verplichte studiedelen tweede bachelor bestaat uit drie blokken:

- Blok 1: Algemeen voortgezette studiedelen
- Blok 2: Voortgezette studiedelen taal I
- Blok 3: Voortgezette studiedelen taal II

Het modeltraject van de verplichte studiedelen tweede bachelor omvat 42 ECTS verplichte studiedelen. Daarnaast dient de student nog 18 ECTS op te nemen binnen de keuzemodule.
De logische opbouw tussen de verschillende taalblokken over de verschillende bachelorejaren heen moeten worden gerespecteerd bij het samenstellen van het studietraject.

To complete this module, students must obtain 18 ECTS credits.

Verplichte studiedelen

Binnen 'Onderzoeksmethodologie' moeten alle studiedelen afgewerkt worden.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 15 ECTS credits.

3ECTS credits - Literature, Society and the City
3ECTS credits - Language and cognition
9ECTS credits - Research methodology: Linguistics and Literary Studies

Optional courses

Within 'General advanced courses: optional', 3 ECTS must be finished.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 3 ECTS credits.

3ECTS credits - Reason and Engage
3ECTS credits - Main Currents in the History of Philosophy
3ECTS credits - Internationalisation and Society Linguistics and Literary Studies 1
3ECTS credits - Chinese Proficieny I
3ECTS credits - Chinese History

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Advanced courses French

Within 'Advanced courses French", all courses must be finished.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 21 ECTS credits.

6ECTS credits - French Proficiency 2
6ECTS credits - Morphosyntaxe du français
6ECTS credits - Littérature française: entre urbanité et nature
3ECTS credits - Méthodologie de recherche: français

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Advanced courses Spanish

Within 'Advanced courses Spanish", all courses must be finished.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 21 ECTS credits.

6ECTS credits - Lengua española II
6ECTS credits - Ciudad y espacio en la literatura hispánica
6ECTS credits - Morphosyntax of Spanish
3ECTS credits - Metodología de investigación: español

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3th Bachelor Linguistics and Literary Studies

The third bachelor consists of four modules:
- Module 1: General advanced study components (6 ECTS)
- Module 2: Advanced study components French (12ECTS)
- Module 3: Advanced study components Spanish (12 ECTS)
- Module 4: Mobility Window (30 ECTS)

The model track of the third bachelor comprises 60 ECTS of which 30 ECTS are compulsory study components. In addition, the student must take another 30 ECTS within his Mobility Window. The logical structure between the different language modules over the different bachelor years must always be respected when composing the study path

Mandatory study components model track third bachelor

It involves 2 mandatory study components

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 6 ECTS credits.

3ECTS credits - Language variation and change
3ECTS credits - Literature and Intermediality

Mandatory language study components model track third bachelor

It involves 3 mandatory study components

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 12 ECTS credits.

3ECTS credits - Linguistic dynamics in French: variation, contact, change
3ECTS credits - Littérature française et Intermédialité
6ECTS credits - Travail de recherche: français

Mandatory language study components model track third bachelor

It involves 3 mandatory study components

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 12 ECTS credits.

3ECTS credits - Variedades del español
3ECTS credits - Intermedialidad en la literatura hispánica
6ECTS credits - Tarea de investigación: español

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3th BA Linguistics and Literary Studies: Mobility Window (30 ECTS)

The mobility window consists of several elective modules for students to choose from. Students must take 30 SP within their mobility window. 'The erasmus exchange module' and 'The Eutopia module' only consists out of compulsory courses. These modules cannot be combined with another elective module. As a student, you must take all the courses of this module. From the other elective modules, the student can put together a package of 30 ECTS.

The program offers the following elective modules:
1. The erasmus exchange module: contact your study path counselor in time if this is your preference
2. The Eutopia module
3. The third language module
4. The fourth language module
5. The module Chinese language, culture and society
6. The module 'Dutch as a second language'
7. The module 'Philosophy'
8. The module 'Art and Heritage studies'
9. The module 'History'

To complete this module, students must obtain 30 ECTS credits.

Module Eutopia

The Module Eutopia: Linguistics and Literary Studies. The module consists of 4 mandatory course units.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 30 ECTS credits.

12ECTS credits - Eutopia LIST Research based Teaching Seminar
6ECTS credits - Eutopia LIST internationalisation à la carte courses : part 1
6ECTS credits - Eutopia LIST internationalisation à la carte courses : part 2
6ECTS credits - Eutopia LIST reflection paper

The Elective modules

The Elective modules: Linguistics and Literary Studies. Students are free to put together their 30 ECTS elective package

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 30 ECTS credits.

6ECTS credits - German I
3ECTS credits - Introduction à l'analyse littéraire
6ECTS credits - Introduction to English linguistics and grammar
6ECTS credits - English Proficiency I
6ECTS credits - Literature in English: From the Middle Ages to the Present
3ECTS credits - The English language in multilingual contexts
3ECTS credits - Literature in English: Text Analysis
6ECTS credits - German Grammar and Linguistics: Introduction
6ECTS credits - Italian Proficiency I
6ECTS credits - Letteratura italiana e storia
6ECTS credits - Italian Grammar and Linguistics
3ECTS credits - L'italiano in contatto: contesti multilingui
3ECTS credits - Introduzione alla letteratura italiana
6ECTS credits - Spanish I
6ECTS credits - Spanish Grammar and Linguistics: Introduction
3ECTS credits - Introducción a la literatura hispánica
3ECTS credits - Español en contexto
6ECTS credits - Geschichte des deutschen Sprachraums im Spiegel der Literatur
6ECTS credits - Cultura hispánica e historia
6ECTS credits - Academic Proficiency Dutch
6ECTS credits - History of Dutch Literature up to 1850
6ECTS credits - Bouwstenen van het Nederlands: klank, woord, zin
3ECTS credits - Nederlands in contact
3ECTS credits - Inleiding tot de Nederlandse letterkunde
3ECTS credits - Chinese Proficieny I
3ECTS credits - Chinese History
6ECTS credits - Chinese Proficiency II
3ECTS credits - Chinese Linguistics and Literature
3ECTS credits - Deutsche Grammatik im Kontext
6ECTS credits - Taalbeheersing Nederlands
6ECTS credits - Culture and society in the Dutch language area
6ECTS credits - Critical Heritage Studies
6ECTS credits - Photography and New Media
6ECTS credits - History of Migration
6ECTS credits - History of Modern Africa
6ECTS credits - Capitalism in pre- modern Europe
3ECTS credits - Origins of Scientific Thinking
6ECTS credits - Complexity and Evolution
6ECTS credits - Gods and Mortals: On Religion and Democracy
3ECTS credits - Einführung in die Analyse der Gegenwartsliteratur
6ECTS credits - Mind, Brain & Body
6ECTS credits - Architectural Heritage and Conservation
6ECTS credits - French proficiency I
6ECTS credits - Grammaire et linguistique du français: introduction
6ECTS credits - Histoire de la littérature française
3ECTS credits - Le français en contexte multilingue

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