Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences
Enrolling for this study plan is possible after having obtained one of the following degrees:
Academic Bachelor's programme agogische wetenschappen
Academic Bachelor's programme architectuur
Academic Bachelor's programme communicatiewetenschappen
Academic Bachelor's programme criminologische wetenschappen
Academic Bachelor's programme economische wetenschappen
Academic Bachelor's programme geografie
Academic Bachelor's programme geschiedenis
Academic Bachelor's programme ingenieurswetenschappen: architectuur
Academic Bachelor's programme politieke wetenschappen
Academic Bachelor's programme sociologie
Academic Bachelor's programme taal- en letterkunde
Academic Bachelor's programme toegepaste economische wetenschappen
Academic Bachelor's programme toegepaste economische wetenschappen: handelsingenieur
You may also be asked to provide additional documents so we may evaluate your application.
The Master in Urban Studies is a 120 ECTS programme jointly offered by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Offering a strong interdisciplinary perspective on urban studies, students follow a core trajectory of shared courses and have the freedom to specialize by individually selecting elective modules and courses.
More information is also availble at http://urbanstudies.brussels/master/urban-studies.
The common core contains a course on Brussels, one on the European dimension of cities and urbanisation, and a number of theoretical courses introducing you to the field of urban studies. By using Brussels as a unique case study in the programme and by organising various site visits in and around Brussels and excursions to cities in Europe, we benefit from our location in the centre of Europe. The common core also contains two modules introducing you to various urban methods and research approaches as well as a thesis seminar dedicated to supporting you in the development and writing of your master thesis.
30 ECTS of the common core is dedicated to the Master thesis. In the first year of your studies, you will choose a topic and develop your research design, whereas in the second year you will conduct most of the empirical research and write the actual thesis. Throughout the two-year process, there will be various moments of collective and individual supervision.
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 80 ECTS credits.
Before starting with the Master in Urban Studies, you are expected to choose two elective modules. The elective modules have a disciplinary and/or thematic orientation: this will allow you to specialise within subdomains of urban studies, while at the same time ensuring interdisciplinary training on the level of the overall programme.
We currently offer six elective modules, incorporating a large variety of disciplines from across the social sciences and humanities.
You can also choose to replace one elective module with an internship (15 ECTS), allowing you to gain experience in a working environment that is relevant to urban studies, such as an NGO, local government administration, consultancy firm or European network or institution. If you want to pursue a PhD following your Master education, you can also choose to do a research-oriented internship by working in a university department or another research institution.
To complete this module, students must obtain 40 ECTS credits.
Module Urban History
Module Urban History
6ECTS credits - Urban History |
6ECTS credits - History of Migration |
6ECTS credits - Urban Archaeology |
Module Urban Criminology
Module Urban Criminology
6ECTS credits - Criminological encounters |
3ECTS credits - Crime & the City I |
6ECTS credits - Crime & the City II |
Module Urban Geography
Module Urban Geography
6ECTS credits - Economic and Financial Geography |
3ECTS credits - Housing |
6ECTS credits - Greening the City |
Module Urban Architecture
Module Urban Architecture
Module Urban Planning and Mobility
Module Urban Planning and Mobility
6ECTS credits - EUTOPIA Learning Unit - Sustainable Mobility and Logistics |
5ECTS credits - Infrastructure and mobility |
6ECTS credits - Land Use Planning and Growth Management |
Module Urban Design
Module Urban Design
Module Internship
Module Internship
15ECTS credits - Internship |
Electives subject to approval
Electives subject to approval by the chairman of the examination commission.