8 ECTS credits
200 u studietijd
Aanbieding 1 met studiegidsnummer 8023903HNR voor alle studenten in het 1e en 2e semester met een verdiepend niveau.
The focus of the OO "The injured athlete" is on the clinical reasoning process and clinical decision-making in sports injuries. This includes the physiotherapeutic screening process, the physiotherapeutic diagnostic process, as well as the drawing up and assessment of a rehabilitation plan and the decision-making process aimed at a safe return to sport. The athlete is the central figure, and the insights regarding the injury on the one hand, and the analysis of the sport and the request for help on the other hand, will be shared with the student. Special attention is paid to the deepening of the principles of movement analysis with applications in various sports, exercise physiology and its effects in rehabilitation, integration of injury prevention in rehabilitation, and the insights of motor learning and their applications in rehabilitation training. The most recent scientific insights in sports injuries are shared, so that the PG SK is able to carry out an evidence-based sports physiotherapy intervention in sports injuries. The OO "The injured athlete" is built with a module structure that is closely linked to the clinical context and the work field of the sport physiotherapist. In module 1, first general insights are discussed, which are then further specified and elaborated in function of the specific sports context of the patient. The OO "The injured athlete" comprises the following modules:
Module 1: Clinical decision making in sports physical therapy;
Module 2: Rehabilitation in running and endurance sports;
Module 3: Rehabilitation in overhead sports;
Module 4: Rehabilitation in sports and games.
Themes discussed include "Clinical reasoning in sports physical therapy", "Clinical decision making in sports physical therapy", "Patient and athlete-centred communication", "The role of the brain in sports injuries", "The role of the brain in motor learning and rehabilitation", Return-to-sport decision making" and "Rehabilitation training" applied to different sports and sports injuries, "On-field rehabilitation training", "Athlete monitoring in rehabilitation and performance".
The PG SK is assessed on the basis of a competency-based practical examination in which the complete clinical reasoning process, rehabilitation pathway and corresponding clinical decision-making are discussed on the basis of a clinical case from the PG SK's practice. The approval of the subjects is done in consultation with the titulars.
Not applicable
Knowledge & understanding
The PG SK gains in-depth knowledge and integrates the most recent scientific insights into the clinical reasoning process in sports injuries.
The PG SK gains specialised knowledge and insight into physiotherapeutic treatment strategies applicable to sports injuries.
The PG SK gains specialised knowledge in movement analysis
Application & attitude
The PG SK will increasingly develop independence in the clinical reasoning process in sports injuries.
The PG SK will increasingly develop independence in formulating and evaluating a specialised rehabilitation plan for sports injuries.
The PG SK will develop an increasing degree of independence in designing different specialised and specific exercises throughout the rehabilitation of sports injuries in overhead athletes.
The PG SK can carry out a therapy evaluation of sports injuries in overhead athletes, integrating the scientific insights of return-to-sport decision-making.
The PG SK can perform a movement analysis and interpret the findings in function of the request for help and clinical context in sports injuries.
This OO contributes to the development of the following course-specific learning outcomes:
2. Injury prevention in athletes
3. Implementation of best-evidence sport physiotherapeutic intervention for sport related injuries
4. Evaluating sport physiotherapy intervention
6. Ambassador of best-practice in the field of sports physical therapy
7. Development and dissemination of critical thinkingDe beoordeling bestaat uit volgende opdrachtcategorieën:
Examen Praktijk bepaalt 100% van het eindcijfer
Binnen de categorie Examen Praktijk dient men volgende opdrachten af te werken:
The PG SK is assessed on the basis of a competency-based practical examination in which the complete clinical reasoning process, rehabilitation pathway and corresponding clinical decision-making are discussed on the basis of a clinical case from the PG SK's practice. In addition, the PG SK passes a stationary test in which the clinical competences in relation to sports injuries are tested.
The method of examination is identical in the first and second session.
Deze aanbieding maakt deel uit van de volgende studieplannen:
Postgraduaat Sportkinesitherapie: Standaard traject