6 ECTS credits
150 h study time
Offer 1 with catalog number 4022169ENR for all students in the 2nd semester at a (E) Master - advanced level.
The course focuses on the European Public Sphere (EPS) and the EU Information and Communication policy and analyses their evolution, development and setbacks in the context of the EU multilevel governance structure.
The course is divided into 5 main conceptual units:
The European Union Decision Making Process and Participatory Mechanisms
After a short introduction to the raison d’être of the EU, in this part the supranational and intergovernmental dimension of the EU will be put into perspective with the different decision making mechanisms of the EU (EU policy modes). Theories of EU Integration will be discussed in relation to the European Pubic Sphere and the EU Information and Communication Policy.
The European Public Sphere
In this part of the course the European Public Sphere will be put into context and theoretical aspects of the Public Sphere and the European Public Sphere will be confronted with the reality of its implementation in the European Multilevel governance structure. Issues of multiple European identities and cultures, different ideas of citizenship, different democratic systems, different models of participation, the complex relationship between media and political systems will be discussed. Theories of the Public Sphere and of the European Public Sphere will be discussed and analyzed.
The European Media landscape
This part will take into consideration the evolving European Media landscape in the context of EU integration. The issue of European Media VS Europeanisation of Media will be discussed. This unit will also propose a critical analysis of the history, development, role and importance of European Media in the context of the EPS and European integration.
The European Union Information and Communication policy
will considered the birth, development and evolution of the European Information and communication policy and its declinations in policy papers, actions and programmes. The challenges of communicating and informing about the EU in the EU will be also discussed. Specific case-studies will be used to illustrate successes and failures of the EU institutional approach to information and communication.
Main current debates and critical issues for the European Public Sphere
The last module of the course (which will be articulated along the course) will be dedicated to debate critical aspects and issues for the European Public sphere and Citizens’ participation. The topics debated will be related to current policy priorities and developments, relevant political issues and developments, EU integration issues, and EU current debates. Possible topics might be: the European approach to disinformation and fake news, Brexit, a critical analysis of the EU consultation mechanisms, the European Citizens Initiative, the role of European Political Parties and the relationship between the European Parliament and the national ones, the growing role and importance of populist parties in the EU integration process. Guest Speakers will also be invited to present and discuss these critical issues.
The course will cover, amongst other, the following topics:
Course Material
Selected chapters of:
Students might be asked to present, individually or by groups, critical reflections about specific aspect of the EPS and the EU Information and Communication policy.
The classes are illustrated with Prezi and/or PPT presentations, which outlines and summarizes the course and contain the main concepts and theories and discuss.
Teaching Methods
The course uses a mix of ex-cathedra lectures (given by the course titularis and, when possible, guest speakers) and interactive sessions in which students (or groups of students) might be asked to present critical reflections on selected topics related to the course.
Students will be invited and asked to present their own reflections and thoughts about the topics addressed in the course.
Indicative workload:
Lectue: 26 hours (13 x 2 hours)
SELF: 124 hours
The course contributes to the following Masters’ learning outcomes:
The overall goal of this course is to give the students a comprehensive and in-depth insight into the EU Public Sphere, European Media Landscape and EU Information and Communication Policy in the complex context of the EU multilevel governance structure. The course will also provide the students with key EU information sources and tools and with specific current case studies.
After taking this course students will be able to understand and discuss:
Specifically, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge about the fields and topics above and a critical mind set to the concepts and topics discussed.
The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Oral Exam determines 90% of the final mark.
Other Exam determines 10% of the final mark.
Within the Oral Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:
Within the Other Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:
Students will be evaluated according to 2 main criteria:
In order to pass the course, students need to comply with the 2 evaluation criteria specified above. Only students who have been present and participated in the class (point n. 1 above) can sit the oral exam (point n. 2 above).
Second sit exam will be subject to the same modus operandi. Only students complying with point 1 can participate in the second sit of the oral final exam (point n.2 above).
This offer is part of the following study plans:
Master of Communication Studies: Digital Media in Europe
Master of Communication Studies: Journalism and Media in Europe