6 ECTS credits
171 u studietijd

Aanbieding 1 met studiegidsnummer 1021585BNR voor alle studenten in het 2e semester met een verdiepend bachelor niveau.

2e semester
Inschrijving onder examencontract
Niet mogelijk
Beoordeling (0 tot 20)
2e zittijd mogelijk
Students who want to enroll for this course, must have passed for ‘Business Law I' and must have obtained at least 30 ECTS-credits on bachelor level.
Faculteit Sociale Wetensch & SolvayBusinessSchool
Verantwoordelijke vakgroep
Stephanie Gardner (titularis)
Onderdelen en contacturen
0 contacturen Exam
20 contacturen Lecture
6 contacturen Practical exercises
145 contacturen Self study

Building on the general principles and concepts learned in Business Law I, this advanced-level course illustrates that no part of business life is entirely free of legal aspects. Students will futher examine the sources and components of Business Law including conflicts of law, competency of courts and various legal regimes governing international business transactions and operations. Throughout the course, students will gain enhanced critical-thinking skills and the abilitiy to identify legal issues within the business context and contribute to effective problem-solving. Topics will include: contracts, law of agency, forms of business organizations including franchises and closely-held family companies, property law, debtor-creditor relations, secured transactions, bankruptcy/receivership, competition law and GDPR. Finally, in examining emerging trends in Business Law, this course deals with issues regarding legal ethics as applied to the world of business.   

Handboek (Vereist) : Business Law, Barron's Business Review Series, Robert W. Emerson, 6de, Barron's Educational Series, 9781438005119, 2015
Bijkomende info

Teaching methods include interactive lectures, class discussions & debates, case studies, group exercises and reading assignments. Classes will be held in combination of both distance and face-to-face sessions (on campus).


General Competences

Upon successful completion of this course, students will gain:

i) insight into advanced concepts of business law and the legal framework in which business operates;   

ii) increased awareness of the influence and importance of law in their future business transactions and dealings, particularly in the international context;

iii) a working knowledge of international law making by means of treaties, state practice, decisions of international organizations; and 

iv) a reflective and critical attitude, as necessary for gaining sensitivity to the importance of legal and ethical considerations and the ability to confront dominant popular opinions with constructive criticism. 


De beoordeling bestaat uit volgende opdrachtcategorieën:
Examen Schriftelijk bepaalt 100% van het eindcijfer

Binnen de categorie Examen Schriftelijk dient men volgende opdrachten af te werken:

  • Written Exam met een wegingsfactor 100 en aldus 100% van het totale eindcijfer.

Aanvullende info mbt evaluatie

The written exam is a "closed book" exam consisting of a combination of multiple choice questions, short answer and discussion questions. Examples of questions will be provided during the lectures and will be available via Canvas, the electronic learning platform.  

Toegestane onvoldoende
Kijk in het aanvullend OER van je faculteit na of een toegestane onvoldoende mogelijk is voor dit opleidingsonderdeel.

Academische context

Deze aanbieding maakt deel uit van de volgende studieplannen:
Bachelor of Business Economics: Startplan Business Economics (enkel aangeboden in het Engels)
Bachelor of Business Economics: Business and Technology (enkel aangeboden in het Engels)
Bachelor of Business Economics: International Business (enkel aangeboden in het Engels)