3 ECTS credits
90 u studietijd
Aanbieding 4 met studiegidsnummer 1021339ANR voor alle studenten in het 1e semester met een inleidend bachelor niveau.
This course is aimed at consolidating students' language skills at intermediate level, focusing particularly upon heightening their awareness of the academic English skills essential for studying and succeeding at the academic level. It introduces explicitly the features of more formal academic style. It also offers students the opportunity to improve their speaking skills through a series of practical exercises. In the class special attention is paid to encouraging students to organize their thoughts and present their ideas in English in a well-structured manner with more confidence.
Please note that in order to register for this course students must have taken the ACTO English placement test, and received a score in the appropriate range for this course. If your score is not in the appropriate range, it is not possible for you to register for this course, even if it is offered as part of your study programme.
The placement test consists of an online test (to be completed at home) and an oral test (conducted on campus by a VUB English tutor). You can find further information and register for the test on the ACTO website. On the basis of your performance on the online test and the oral test, the ACTO English teachers will advise you as to whether a suitable English course is available for you.
The first lesson of this course takes place in the third week of teaching.
Students who have already passed Academic English 2 or Academic English 5 cannot take this course.
The course material will be provided via an online platform.
Students are expected to be able to
- reason and communicate different purposes in a structured way
- explain and defend their opinions about well-known subjects
- give an individually prepared presentation of specialized nature or on topics related to the field of study using broad vocabulary
- identify the differences in style between informal and formal language; adapt the spoken language according to the context
De beoordeling bestaat uit volgende opdrachtcategorieën:
Examen Schriftelijk bepaalt 60% van het eindcijfer
Examen Andere bepaalt 40% van het eindcijfer
Binnen de categorie Examen Schriftelijk dient men volgende opdrachten af te werken:
Binnen de categorie Examen Andere dient men volgende opdrachten af te werken:
permanente evaluatie, schriftelijk examen, presentatie
continuous assessment, written exam, presentation
Deze aanbieding maakt deel uit van de volgende studieplannen:
Bachelor in de psychologie: Profiel arbeids- & organisatiepsychologie
Bachelor in de psychologie: Profiel klinische psychologie
Bachelor in de fysica en de sterrenkunde: Standaard traject
Bachelor in de biologie: Standaard traject
Bachelor in de chemie: Standaard traject
Bachelor in de geografie: Standaard traject
Bachelor in de computerwetenschappen: Standaard traject
Master in de onderwijskunde: Standaard traject
Master in de bewegings- en sportwetenschappen: Afstudeerrichting fysieke activiteit, fitheid en gezondheid - profiel onderzoeksmatige verdieping
Schakelprogramma Master of Science in de stedenbouw en de ruimtelijke planning: Standaard traject