5 ECTS credits
140 u studietijd

Aanbieding 1 met studiegidsnummer 4016122ENR voor alle studenten in het 1e semester met een verdiepend master niveau.

1e semester
Inschrijving onder examencontract
Niet mogelijk
Beoordeling (0 tot 20)
2e zittijd mogelijk
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Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen
Verantwoordelijke vakgroep
Elektronica en Informatica
Piet Wambacq (titularis)
Externe Docenten
Piet Wambacq
Onderdelen en contacturen
36 contacturen Hoorcollege
24 contacturen Werkvormen en Praktische Oef.

1) Physical models of transistors
- MOSFETs: modelling of weak, moderate and strong inversion, second-order effects due to downscaling of transistors (e.g. velocity saturation, short-channel effects). Hence, we go much further than the elementary
quadratic model of a MOS transistor. Further, all elements of the small-signal equivalent circuit are considered. In order to make a better link to circuits, all aspects of the transistor behavior are explained in
terms of voltages and electrostatic potentials, rather than energy diagrams, as is the case in many device courses.
2) Analysis of the frequency behavior of small-signal circuits using poles and zeros
2) Analysis of elementary one-transistor circuits
In IR-ETRO-3504b, a simple explanation has been given for the operation of a few elementary one-transistor and two-transistor circuits. Here, the CMOS circuits are studied more in detail. Further, more attention is paid to an integrated realization of these elementary circuits (e.g. as part of a larger analog IC), rather than to
a discrete realization. Further, mismatches between corresponding circuit elements in differential circuits are studied. A good insight in elementary circuits is very valuable for a good understanding of larger and/or more complicated analog (integrated) circuits such as operational amplifiers.
3) Operational Amplifiers (opamps) and operational transconductance amplifiers (OTAs)
A few widely used CMOS configurations are studied, such as a two-stage OTA with Miller compensation and a balanced OTA with compensation by the load capacitance at the output. For these circuits an analysis is performed of the low-frequency small-signal behavior, frequency response, gain bandwidth product, stability, slew rate, common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR), power supply rejection ratio, noise behavior, common-mode input range, output swing, offset and influence of mismatches.
4) The practical session: Going through the complete design process of an analog integrated circuit. There is a practical session on the design of a CMOS operational amplifier as part of a bigger system (e.g. an active filter). The students make this project in groups of two persons. This comprises the design of a given fixed topology of an operational amplifier. This topology is analyzed using hand calculations. After an analysis the transistors are sized using the equations generated in the analysis phase. Next, this design is simulated and layout aspects are considered. The students have to write a design report to prove that they master the design by justifying the design
choices that they made.
5) Exercises: preparing the students for the practical session on opamp design.
6) Measurement lab session: in the previous year, as part of the course “Electronics” (IR-ETRO-3504b), a small CMOS circuit has been designed and submitted for fabrication. This circuit is measured in a lab session.

Digitaal cursusmateriaal (Vereist) : An electronic version of the course (powerpoint slides and a text) is distributed to the students before the first course.
Handboek (Aanbevolen) : Analysis and design of analog integrated circuits, Paul Gray et al., 5de, New York: John Wiley, 9780470398777, 2010
Handboek (Aanbevolen) : Microelectronic Devices and Circuits, Clifton G. Fonstad, BIB, 9780070214965, 1994
Handboek (Aanbevolen) : Modern Electronic Communication, Gray M. Miller, 9de, Prentice-Hall International, 9781292025476, 2013
Handboek (Aanbevolen) : Design of Analog Filters, Passive, Active RC and Switched Capacitor, Rolf Schaumann, Mohammed S. Ghausi, Kenneth R. Laker, BIB, 9780132002882, 1990
Handboek (Aanbevolen) : Distortion analysis of analog integrated circuits, Piet Wambacq en Willy Sansen, BIB, 9781441950444, 1998
Handboek (Aanbevolen) : The design of CMOS radio-frequency integrated circuits, Thomas Lee, 2de, Cambridge University Press, 9780521835398, 2004
Handboek (Aanbevolen) : RF microelectronics, Behzad Razavi, 2de, Prentice Hall E-book, 9780132901055, 2012
Handboek (Aanbevolen) : Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor, Yannis P. Tsividis, BIB, 9780195170153, 1988
Handboek (Aanbevolen) : Design of analog integrated circuits and systems, Kenneth Laker and Willy Sansen, BIB, 9780070360600, 1994
Bijkomende info

The theoretical course takes an entire semester. The practical part starts in the second half of the semester. Participation to the practical course is mandatory. 

The course material is self contained: no extra external sources need to be consulted. However, the field of analog circuits is very broad. Below you can find some sources of complementary study material if you want to deepen your knowledge beyond the course material.

  • A. Sedra, K. Smith, T. C. Carusone and V. Maudet, "Microelectronic Circuits", Oxford Press 2015. 
  • B. Razavi, "Design of CMOS analog integrated circuits", Irwine Electronics and Computer Engineering, 2016.
  • Paul Gray et al., "Analysis and design of analog integrated circuits," 5th edition. New York: John Wiley, 2010.

(very well readible introductory work to the design of analog integrated circuits. Emphasis is mainly on circuits with bipolar transistors, but in the last version the amount of CMOS circuits has increased.)

  • Kenneth Laker and Willy Sansen, "Design of analog integrated circuits and systems", Mc Graw Hill, 1994.

(this book presents an in-depth analysis of elementary transistor circuits (both in MOS and in bipolar);

opamps are treated in more detail than in the book of Gray & Meyer. Also, the design of active filters (both continuous time and switched capacitors) is discussed.)

  • Yannis P. Tsividis, "Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor," Mc Graw-Hill International Editions, 1988.

(excellent up-to-date book on the operation of MOS transistors, useful both for designers as for device specialists)

  • Behzad Razavi, "RF microelectronics", Prentice Hall Communications Engineering, 2011.

(very well readible and structured book on high-frequency (RF) integrated circuits. The book covers both architectures of transmitters and receivers and the subblocks of the architectures (low-noise amplifiers, oscillators, mixers, power amps, ...))

  • Thomas Lee, "The design of CMOS radio-frequency integrated circuits," Cambridge University Press, 2004.

(very well readible work about high-frequency (RF) integrated circuits. Covers a boader range than Razavi, but little computations)

  • Piet Wambacq en Willy Sansen, "Distortion analysis of analog integrated circuits," Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.

(introduction to the nonlinear behavior of analog ICs)

  • Design of Analog Filters, Passive, Active RC and Switched Capacitor, Rolf Schaumann, Mohammed S. Ghausi, Kenneth R. Laker, Prentice Hall, 1990

(reference work for the design of active and passive filters)


Algemene competenties

The course describes the electrical aspects of analog circuits, with the emphasis on CMOS integration, and contains analysis and design techniques based on the primary concepts introduced in basic courses on electronics and electronic components. At the VUB, these courses are 'Electronics' (IR-ETRO-3504b) and 'Electronic components 1' (IR-ETRO-6182), which are taught in the first engineering year. Not only the elementary operation of circuits is considered, but also ways to design these circuits and optimisation of
towards supplementary criteria like noise behavior, bandwidth, power dissipation, large-signal behavior are considered. At the end of the course, students should be able to design an analog circuit in a modern deep submicron CMOS technology with the complexity of a fully differential operational amplifier with common-mode feedback.
The following subjects are treated:
- analysis of the operation of MOS transistors with the emphasis on their use in analog integrated circuits.
- determination of analytical expressions of poles and zeros of transfer functions of linearized analog integrated circuits.
- analysis of elementary transistor circuits (one-transistor and two-transistor circuits such as common source, common drain and common gate for MOSFETs, differential pair, current mirrors): DC biasing, frequency response, noise behavior, nonlinear behavior;
- operational amplifiers (emphasis on CMOS opamps);
- with respect to integration of analog circuits some IC specific aspects are considered, such as matching of corresponding elements in differential circuits, passive components on chip (integrated resistors, capacitors and inductors). For the logical description of digital circuits, we refer to the course on 'Digital Circuits' (IRETRO-

This course contributes to the following programme outcomes of the Master in Electronics and Information Technology Engineering:

The Master in Engineering Sciences has in-depth knowledge and understanding of
2. integrated structural design methods in the framework of a global design strategy.

The Master in Engineering Sciences can
4. reformulate complex engineering problems in order to solve them (simplifying assumptions, reducing complexity)
6. correctly report on research or design results in the form of a technical report or in the form of a scientific paper
8. collaborate in a (multidisciplinary) team
10. develop, plan, execute and manage engineering projects at the level of a starting professional
11. think critically about and evaluate projects, systems and processes, particularly when based on incomplete, contradictory and/or redundant information

The Master in Engineering Sciences has
12. a creative, problem-solving, result-driven and evidence-based attitude, aiming at innovation and applicability in industry and society
13. a critical attitude towards one’s own results and those of others
15. the flexibility and adaptability to work in an international and/or intercultural context
16. an attitude of life-long learning as needed for the future development of his/her career

The Master in Electronics and Information Technology Engineering:
17. Has an active knowledge of the theory and applications of electronics, information and communication technology, from component up to system level.
19. Has a broad overview of the role of electronics, informatics and telecommunications in industry, business and society.
20. Is able to analyze, specify, design, implement, test and evaluate individual electronic devices, components and algorithms, for signal-processing, communication and complex systems.
21. Is able to model, simulate, measure and control electronic components and physical phenomena.
22. Is aware of and critical about the impact of electronics, information and communication technology on society.


De beoordeling bestaat uit volgende opdrachtcategorieën:
Examen Mondeling bepaalt 67% van het eindcijfer

WPO Praktijkopdracht bepaalt 33% van het eindcijfer

Binnen de categorie Examen Mondeling dient men volgende opdrachten af te werken:

  • oral exam met een wegingsfactor 1 en aldus 67% van het totale eindcijfer.

    Toelichting: Oral examination with written preparation (2/3 of the total score). The course material can used during the exam.
    Three questions with written preparation and followed by a discussion. One of the questions is about a symbolic analysis + interpretation of a simple circuit that is a variation on one of the circuits that have been treated in the courses. The use of the course material is allowed. During the discussion, some additional questions will be raised about the parts of the course material that have not been treated in the questions
    with written preparation. Also, the material covered by the "Exercises" is evaluated in the oral examination.

Binnen de categorie WPO Praktijkopdracht dient men volgende opdrachten af te werken:

  • practical sessions met een wegingsfactor 1 en aldus 33% van het totale eindcijfer.

    Toelichting: Oral examination: interview about the practical design (1/3 of the total score).
    The practical session contributes to the total score with a weight of 1/3.

Aanvullende info mbt evaluatie

Oral examination: (2/3 of the total score)
Three questions with written preparation and followed by a discussion. One of the questions is about a symbolic analysis + interpretation of a simple circuit that is a variation on one of the circuits that have been treated in the courses. The use of the course material is allowed. During the discussion, some additional questions will be raised about the parts of the course material that have not been treated in the questions
with written preparation. Also, the material covered by the "Exercises" is evaluated in the oral examination.
The practical session contributes to the total score with a weight of 1/3.

Toegestane onvoldoende
Kijk in het aanvullend OER van je faculteit na of een toegestane onvoldoende mogelijk is voor dit opleidingsonderdeel.

Academische context

Deze aanbieding maakt deel uit van de volgende studieplannen:
Master of Electrical Engineering: Standaard traject BRUFACE J (enkel aangeboden in het Engels)