6 ECTS credits
180 h study time
Offer 1 with catalog number 4005770FNW for working students in the 1st semester at a (F) Master - specialised level.
1. Introduction: definitions, basic concepts and terminology
2. Characteristics of acquisition, learner language & interlanguage
3. Second/Foreign language teaching and the role of instruction
The students incorporate acquired knowledge in a series of preparatory assignments and in a small empirical study and/ or paper.
The students need to be acquainted with the basic concepts of descriptive linguistics (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics).
As the course is taught in French, the student needs to master French at an advanced level.
This course is taught in French
Contenu :
Ce cours traite de certains aspects, théories et recherches concernant l’apprentissage de langues étrangères et du français langue étrangère (FLE) en particulier. Ceci implique un examen des variables linguistiques cognitives, sociales et affectives qui peuvent expliquer le succès relatif de l’appropriation d’une L2. L’accent sera mis sur le processus d’apprentissage d’une L2 en contexte de classe et sur le rôle de l’enseignement dans celui-ci.
Les étudiants incorporent les connaissances acquises dans une série de travaux préparatoires et dans une petite recherche et/ ou dans un travail écrit.
Les étudiants sont supposés connaître les concepts de base de la linguistique descriptive (phonologie, morphologie, syntaxe, sémantique, pragmatique).
Comme le cours est enseigné en français, des compétences réceptives et productives avancées dans cette langue sont indispensables.
Matériel didactique:
- Obligatoire : matériel sur Canvas (syllabus, bibliographie et sélection d’éventuelles diapositives utilisées pendant les cours)
- Complémentaire : voir bibliographie du syllabus
Informations complémentaires :
Accompagnement étudiants salariés (max. 9h)
Evaluation :
The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Other Exam determines 100% of the final mark.
Within the Other Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:
This offer is part of the following study plans:
Bachelor of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Italian-German (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Profile Literary Studies - 1 language (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Profile Linguistics - 1 language (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Profile Literary Studies - 2 languages (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Profile Linguistics - 2 languages (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: profile Intermediality - 1 language (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: profile Intermediality - 2 languages (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: profile Neurolinguistics and Psycholinguistics - 1 language (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: profile Neurolinguistics and Psycholinguistics - 2 languages (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: profile Multilingualism and Foreign Language Acquisition - 1 language (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: profile Multilingualism and Foreign Language Acquisition - 2 languages (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Profile Literary Studies 1 Language
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Profile Literary Studies 2 Languages
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Profile Linguistics 1 Language
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Profile Linguistics 2 Languages
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Profile Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics 1 Language
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Profile Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics 2 Languages
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Profile Multilingualism and Foreign Language Acquisition 1 Language
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Profile Multilingualism and Foreign Language Acquisition 2 Languages
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Profile Intermediality - 1 language
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Profile Intermediality - 2 languages
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Profile Profile Literary Studies
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Profile Profile Literary Studies
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Profile Profile Linguistics
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Profile Profile Linguistics
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Profile Profile Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Profile Profile Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Profile Profile Multilingualism and Foreign Language Acquisition
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Profile Profile Multilingualism and Foreign Language Acquisition
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Profile Profile Intermediality
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Profile Profile Intermediality
Master of Teaching in Languages: 1 taal (120 ECTS, Etterbeek) (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Teaching in Languages: 2 talen (120 ECTS, Etterbeek) (only offered in Dutch)