6 ECTS credits
160 u studietijd

Aanbieding 2 met studiegidsnummer 1016182BER voor alle studenten in het 2e semester met een verdiepend bachelor niveau.

2e semester
Inschrijving onder examencontract
Beoordeling (0 tot 20)
2e zittijd mogelijk
Je hebt 'Politicologie: algemene inleiding' en 'History of International Relations' gevolgd, alvorens dit opleidingsonderdeel op te nemen.
Faculteit Sociale Wetensch & SolvayBusinessSchool
Verantwoordelijke vakgroep
Politieke Wetenschappen
Jonathan Holslag (titularis)
Nino Junius
Onderdelen en contacturen
24 contacturen Hoorcollege
136 contacturen Zelfstudie en externe werkvormen

In 1532, Fransesco de Vittoria wrote: “The sovereignty of the individual state is limited by the fact that it forms part of a community of nations linked by solidarity and mutual obligations.” At the same moment, Niccolò Machiavelli stated: “The sole plight of a prince is to uphold his power.“ Here we have two intellectuals with the ambition to advise political leaders living in the same region and in the same era, but with completely different opinions. There are many such examples.

The policy that we can observe – the pursuit of peace or the declarations of war, the ambition to promote the common good or the greedy desire for relative gains – is always an outcome of the way interests are defined, of how those interests are shaped by certain values, of how values on their turn are based on assumptions about how the world is organized, and of how those assumptions are often defined by distinct identity and history. This is not to argue that material changes, the shifts in the balance of power, are not important. They are still crucial, but besides the distribution of power, it remains equally important how we define power.

This course helps you understand the underlying assumptions that shape foreign policy and statecraft more broadly, assumptions about how the world functions, about the role of the state, about how states are ought to respond to changes in the international order, and about how the behaviour of the states might be conditioned by trade, institutions, values, and so forth. You will be challenged to identify theoretical arguments in important publications, to test them and to embed them into your own thinking. Because that is the end goal: to use theory to enrich your thinking about world politics.

As a student with the ambition to lead or to study leadership, you have to be conscious that even your thinking is and will be shaped by implicit assumptions, to continue to reflect upon them, and to continuously ask yourself the question: Am I right in thinking this or are their other ways to look at the problem? This should not lead to indecision, but to strengthen your capacity to judge. Furthermore, it will help you understand the opinions and the behaviour of others. 

This course challenges you to discover theory, to learn to understand it, to discuss it, and, most importantly, to use it. Building on history of international relations, you will have to work more independently in reading and interpreting different texts. We will continue to pursue interaction.

Handboek (Vereist) : Introduction to International Relations, Theories and Approaches, Sørensen - Møller - Jackson, 8de, Oxford University Press
Bijkomende info

While not a hard prerequisite, this course departs from the assumption that students are familiar with the history of international relations. That course introduced the main strands of theory, key thinkers, and challenged you to make up your mind about how much some of the intellectual debates make sense. From the history of international politics you should also be able to extract interesting cases for theory testing. You should have a good command of English.

Teaching Methods

This description of the teaching methods is indicative, in order to assess the expected study load.

Interactive Lectures: about 24 hours 

Self: 136 hours

  • preparation courses (including book en review)
  • preparation exam: 32 hours (4 days of 8 hours)

Algemene competenties

  • The students have a thorough knowledge of the key concepts and theories of international relations and statecraft. They are capable of illustrating the key assumptions and arguments in the discipline through historical and contemporary examples of international political events and processes.
  • They are familiar with the major world political issues.
  • They have the capacity to critically analyse and evaluate publications in the field of international relations.
  • They have the theoretical knowledge which offers them a fundamental insight into the mechanisms and dynamics of international politics and statecraft and as such offers them the analytical tools for the further study of international relations and/or dealing with international politics in their professional lives.


De beoordeling bestaat uit volgende opdrachtcategorieën:
Examen Schriftelijk bepaalt 100% van het eindcijfer

Binnen de categorie Examen Schriftelijk dient men volgende opdrachten af te werken:

  • Schriftelijk Examen met een wegingsfactor 100 en aldus 100% van het totale eindcijfer.

Aanvullende info mbt evaluatie

In order to stimulate interaction, debate, and reflection, class attendance is mandatory. You are expected to come to class well prepared, to be ready to discuss the reading materials, and to be up to date of new important events in international relations. You can be sure that you will be frequently asked to explain your views about certain issues and to comment on recent developments in world politics.

There will be a closed-book written exam.

Toegestane onvoldoende
Kijk in het aanvullend OER van je faculteit na of een toegestane onvoldoende mogelijk is voor dit opleidingsonderdeel.

Academische context

Deze aanbieding maakt deel uit van de volgende studieplannen:
Bachelor in de politieke wetenschappen en de sociologie: - afstudeerrichting sociologie, minor politieke wetenschappen
Bachelor in de politieke wetenschappen en de sociologie: - afstudeerrichting politieke wetenschappen, minor onderwijs
Bachelor in de politieke wetenschappen en de sociologie: - afstudeerrichting politieke wetenschappen, minor sociologie
Bachelor in de politieke wetenschappen en de sociologie: - afstudeerrichting politieke wetenschappen, minor communicatiewetenschappen
Bachelor in de politieke wetenschappen en de sociologie: - afstudeerrichting politieke wetenschappen, minor geschiedenis
Bachelor in de politieke wetenschappen en de sociologie: - afstudeerrichting politieke wetenschappen, minor bedrijfseconomie