6 ECTS credits
157 h study time

Offer 2 with catalog number 1005391BER for all students in the 1st semester at a (B) Bachelor - advanced level.

1st semester
Enrollment based on exam contract
Grading method
Grading (scale from 0 to 20)
Can retake in second session
Enrollment Requirements
Je hebt 'De grote stromingen in de wijsbegeerte van de Oudheid tot heden' gevolgd, alvorens dit opleidingsonderdeel op te nemen. Deze inschrijvingsvereiste is enkel geldig voor studenten in de bachelor politieke wetenschappen en sociologie, agogische wetenschappen en wijsbegeerte en moraalwetenschappen. Studenten TEW moeten ingeschreven of geslaagd zijn voor 'Politicologie: algemene inleiding' en geslaagd zijn voor minstens 30 ECTS-credits op bachelorniveau. Studenten in het schakel- of voorbereidingsprogramma politieke wetenschappen kunnen dit opleidingsonderdeel opnemen.
Taught in
Partnership Agreement
Under agreement for exchange of courses
Faculty of Social Sciences & SolvayBusinessSchool
Political Science
Educational team
Eline Severs (course titular)
Activities and contact hours
39 contact hours Lecture
150 contact hours Independent or External Form of Study
Course Content

In this course we approach contemporary political theory from the perspective of 'political ideology'.
We discuss the history, the key concepts and evolution of the most important contemporary ideological systems.
We generate insights into the role and function of ideology in politics, the evolution of the concept of 'ideology', the character of ideologies, and the changing ideological playing field.

The course starts with an introductory class on the concept of ideology.
Following that, we discuss three traditional ideological families: liberalism, conservatism and socialism. We elaborate on the work of key philosophers that have shaped these ideological systems, such as Burke (conservatism), Marx (socialism), en Smith, Mill, Rawls en Nozick (liberalism).
Next, we look into less traditional ideologies, such as anarchism, feminism, ecologism, religious fundamentalism, and multiculturalism.

The course concludes with a discussion of Francis Fukuyama' thesis that we are currently experiencing the "end of ideology".
We discuss whether we are witnessing the end of ideology or, rather, the birth of new ideological juxtapositions.

Course material
Handbook (Required) : Political Ideologies, An introduction, Andrew Heywood, 7de, Palgrave Macmillan, 9781352011838, 2021
Digital course material (Required) : Slides colleges en aanvullende artikels, Canvas
Additional info

The VUB regularly organises extra-curricular lectures on political thought. Many of these lectures may be of interest to the students of this course. Depending on the schedule of lectures at the VUB, students will be asked to attend a couple of lectures. These lectures hence are an integral part of the course material. Students will be informed on these guest lectures via the students' platform Canvas. Additional study material will also be made available via Canvas.

Besides the course book of Andrew Heywood (2021, Political Ideologies), the required material of this course also consists of the power point slides and possible additional literature on ideology (academic literature, media articles).

These additional study materials will be made accessible online via Canvas.

Learning Outcomes

General competencies

  • Students are able to explain the core themes of political ideologies
  • Students know the history and central concepts of the most important political ideologies
  • Students can compare ideologies on the basis of their core concepts
  • Students are able to read and understand Dutch and English political texts
  • Students can deploy different ideological stances to reflect on political issues and policy developments
  • Students develop a critical attitude towards tendencious explanations of political phenomena and towards their own judgments and  prejudices


The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Written Exam determines 100% of the final mark.

Within the Written Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:

  • Written Exam with a relative weight of 100 which comprises 100% of the final mark.

    Note: Knowledge questions and questions about the interpretation of authors and texts

Additional info regarding evaluation

A written exam on topics dealt with in class and on the selected texts. More information about the exam will also be made avaible via Canvas.

Allowed unsatisfactory mark
The supplementary Teaching and Examination Regulations of your faculty stipulate whether an allowed unsatisfactory mark for this programme unit is permitted.

Academic context

This offer is part of the following study plans:
Bachelor of Adult Education: Profile Social Studies (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Adult Education: Profile Cultural Studies (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Adult Education: Initial track (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Philosophy and Moral Sciences: default (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of History: minor Social Sciences (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Business Economics: Minor Political Science (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Political Science and Sociology: - afstudeerrichting sociologie, minor politieke wetenschappen (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Political Science and Sociology: Political Science Minor Minor Education (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Political Science and Sociology: Political Science Minor Minor Sociology (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Political Science and Sociology: - afstudeerrichting politieke wetenschappen, minor communicatiewetenschappen (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Political Science and Sociology: - afstudeerrichting politieke wetenschappen, minor geschiedenis (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Political Science and Sociology: - afstudeerrichting politieke wetenschappen, minor bedrijfseconomie (only offered in Dutch)
Bridging Programme Master of Science in Political Science: Standaard traject (only offered in Dutch)
Bridging Programme Master of Arts in Gender and Diversity: Standaard traject (only offered in Dutch)
Preparatory Programme Master of Science in Political Science: Standaard traject (only offered in Dutch)