8 ECTS credits
240 h study time

Offer 1 with catalog number 4022139FNR for all students in the 2nd semester at a (F) Master - specialised level.

2nd semester
Enrollment based on exam contract
Grading method
Grading (scale from 0 to 20)
Can retake in second session
Enrollment Requirements
Omwille van specifieke risico’s en veiligheidsredenen, moet je geslaagd zijn voor 'Klinische vaardigheden en stages IV', 'Problemen van organen: cardiovasculair', "Problemen van organen: respiratoir', 'Problemen van organen: gastro-intestinaal', 'Problemen van systemen: bloed en nieren', 'Problemen van het zenuwstelsel', 'Psychiatrie', 'Problemen van het bewegingsstelsel', 'Problemen van het kind', 'Problemen van het urogenitaal stelsel en verloskunde', 'Problemen van huid, hoofd en hals', 'Klinische en maatschappelijke topics I', 'Klinische en maatschappelijke topics II' en 'Klinische vaardigheden en stages V'. Om dit opleidingsonderdeel te kunnen opnemen, moet je bovendien gelijktijdig de opleidingsonderdelen 'Klinische vaardigheden en stages VI', 'Prespecialisatiestage', 'Klinische en maatschappelijke topics III' en 'Integratieve colleges' opnemen of moet je reeds geslaagd zijn voor 'Klinische vaardigheden en stages VI', 'Prespecialisatiestage', 'Klinische en maatschappelijke topics III' en 'Integratieve colleges'.
Taught in
Faculteit Geneeskunde en Farmacie
Faculteit Geneeskunde en Farmacie
Educational team
Nicole Pouliart (course titular)
Activities and contact hours
240 contact hours Independent or External Form of Study
Course Content

The medical student acquires theoretical knowledge about the various pathologies during the pathology modules of the Bachelor's and Master's programmes. During the clinical internships, the student is confronted with the real patient, depending on his/her personal trajectory. During the clinical internships, the student progressively develops his/her competences to be able to approach a patient adequately with regard to anamnesis and physical examination. The learning curve also focuses on the development of clinical reasoning, whereby the student works on his/her differential diagnostic ability and gradually begins to have an eye for drawing up a treatment plan. During the internships, these competences are assessed on the basis of the learning path and not so much on the basis of the final competence.

An evaluation of these final competences, which form an integral part of the final learning objectives of the programme, must therefore take place before graduation.

The Clinical Integrated Final Examination is the final evaluation of part of the competencies that the student must have demonstrably acquired in order to function as a medical doctor and to be able to start further training.

In this final exam, it is evaluated whether the student is able to approach a patient in a professional and structured manner, on the basis of the information obtained in this way, as well as on the basis of standard cases to be able to reason and act clinically adequately. This includes:

Anamnesis and physical examination with correct handling of the patient (tested in the Patient-at-bed exam part),
Drawing up a graded differential diagnosis and a diagnostic plan (tested in all exam components),
Drafting the start of a treatment plan (tested in all exam components).

It is important to distinguish between common and rare pathology, but also to recognize red flags with a correct assessment of the degree of urgency. Differential diagnosis should take into account epidemiological characteristics of the case and pre- and post-test probability.

Additional info

The set of achievement levels counts as basis for this final exam. However, the Clinically Integrated Final Exam is explicitly not a knowledge exam at the level of the (sub) specialisms.

As study material, case discussions such as in the series "Case files", "100 Clinical cases" and "Blueprints Clinical Cases" are useful, but certainly not mandatory.

Learning Outcomes


CanMeds roles and catalog of learning objectives: can be consulted via the learning platform


The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Oral Exam determines 100% of the final mark.

Within the Oral Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:

  • klinisch eindexamen with a relative weight of 100 which comprises 100% of the final mark.

    Note: Mondeling klinisch eindexamens in 6 stations

Additional info regarding evaluation

The assessment in the context of the Clinically Integrated Final Examination takes place in 3 parts:

Part 1 and 2  "Short cases" with two multidisciplinary jurys. Each student receives two written clinical cases per jury. The student must identify the relevant data from each case, in order to put forward a proposal for a differential diagnosis, a diagnostic plan and a policy plan. The student has one hour of written preparation for the four cases. Subsequently, the student gets half an hour per jury to present and motivate his/her analysis. Additional questions are asked, both about the specific cases and about the general knowledge in the broader healthcare landscape. The assessment is done according to the standardized matrix that can be consulted via the learning platform.

Part 3 "Patient at the bedside" : The student will have to perform a correct anamnesis and physical examination of a patient at any nursing unit (both internal, surgical and pediatric services), with specific points of attention during the physical examination that are identified by the evaluator. Based on this, the student must draw up a well-structured patient note with a subsequent proposal for a differential diagnosis, diagnostic plan and policy plan. The assessment is done according to the standardized matrix that can be consulted via the learning platform.

The final grade is determined as follows:

•    A weighted average of the various components is made on the condition that the student achieves at least 50% for each of the components.
•    If the student achieves a 9/20 on one short case component and obtains at least 14/20 on the other two components, 1 point will be deducted from the weighted average.
•    If the student does not meet the above conditions, the final mark is equal to the lowest mark of a component.

Partial transfers are possible for:
- Part 1 and 2 (if passed both): "Short cases"
- Part 3: "Patient-at-bed"
With a result of at least 10/20 and in accordance with the above rules, the partial results are automatically transferred to the second examination period and (if applicable) the next academic year. In this case (i.e. only if the student did not obtain the credit), the student who wishes to waive his partial mark, and thus wishes to retake a component, can send an e-mail to the lecturer no later than before the start of the examination period. Once the student has reported that he wishes to waive his partial mark, he irrevocably loses this partial mark.

Allowed unsatisfactory mark
The supplementary Teaching and Examination Regulations of your faculty stipulate whether an allowed unsatisfactory mark for this programme unit is permitted.

Academic context

This offer is part of the following study plans:
Master of Medicine: Standaard traject ma gk 3 jr (only offered in Dutch)