6 ECTS credits
150 u studietijd

Aanbieding 1 met studiegidsnummer 6023953FNW voor werkstudenten in het 2e semester met een gespecialiseerd master niveau.

2e semester
Inschrijving onder examencontract
Niet mogelijk
Beoordeling (0 tot 20)
2e zittijd mogelijk
Faculteit Sociale Wetensch & SolvayBusinessSchool
Verantwoordelijke vakgroep
Institute for European Studies
Sebastian Oberthur (titularis)
Onderdelen en contacturen
24 contacturen Hoorcollege

This course engages with the politics, policies and economics of the climate change and energy domains. Students will acquire an understanding of interconnections among these complex societal issues, will assess how policy-makers and others respond to the challenges, and will learn to critically assess these responses.

The course analyses EU policies in these fields, including on climate mitigation, decarbonisation, emissions trading, renewable energy, energy efficiency, the internal energy market and energy security. It includes exploring the EU’s role in the international cooperation on climate change as well as dynamics of the development of internal policy development. The role of the European Institutions and of EU member states are investigated. In the course, students will learn to assess policy responses through the lenses of concepts such as policy integration and coherence, leadership and effectiveness.

Furthermore, having understood the complex interconnections among politics, economics and policies, students will learn to critically assess the assumptions underlying actors’ responses. Students will identify and question basic assumptions; will learn about the role of stakeholders in promoting a particular view; and will thereby develop the skills to assess and evaluate presented ‘facts’ for their true merit.

Bijkomende info

Overall, this course is designed to offer an integrated vision on the subject area in a Socratic (“interrogative”) teaching mode that includes use of an online platform and group work/exercise (negotiating/debating exercise or essay writing). Course materials including the readings and the lecture slides are made available on the online platform. Reflective questions on the most important themes are discussed. Examples of exam questions are discussed in the class and with the help of the online learning environment.


General Competences

The learning outcomes are threefold:

1.    To acquire in-depth knowledge and understanding of the complex political, legal and economic aspects of climate change and energy policies, especially in the EU and as a key challenge of the European integration process.

2.    To understand the complex links and interactions between these policy issues and the responses to them.

3.    To develop advanced critical thinking skills regarding related policy debates on the basis of important concepts (such as policy integration, effectiveness, etc.).

Acquiring both such in-depth knowledge and critical skills will equip the students for a career in climate and energy-related fields, as analysts, lobbyists, activists, researchers, administrators – within and outside governments or EU institutions.


De beoordeling bestaat uit volgende opdrachtcategorieën:
Examen Schriftelijk bepaalt 60% van het eindcijfer

Examen Praktijk bepaalt 30% van het eindcijfer

Examen Andere bepaalt 10% van het eindcijfer

Binnen de categorie Examen Schriftelijk dient men volgende opdrachten af te werken:

  • Written Exam met een wegingsfactor 100 en aldus 60% van het totale eindcijfer.

Binnen de categorie Examen Praktijk dient men volgende opdrachten af te werken:

  • Group Project Work met een wegingsfactor 100 en aldus 30% van het totale eindcijfer.

Binnen de categorie Examen Andere dient men volgende opdrachten af te werken:

  • Participation met een wegingsfactor 100 en aldus 10% van het totale eindcijfer.

    Toelichting: participation in class and in online learning modules

Aanvullende info mbt evaluatie

Students will be assessed as follows:

  • 10% participation in class;
  • 30% group project work/exercise;
  • 60% written exam, including short questions on understanding (closed book), and one long question to assess critical analytical skills of texts (open book).

The written exam is based on the lectures and/or the assigned reading material. The short questions test the student’s knowledge of and insight in understanding, remembering and explaining key issues of the course. The long question tests the students’ ability to apply their critical analytical skills in a coherent and persuasive manner.

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Academische context

Deze aanbieding maakt deel uit van de volgende studieplannen:
Master of European Integration: Track 3: European Economy - European Environmental Governance (enkel aangeboden in het Engels)
Master of European Integration: Track 4: Migration and Europe - European Environmental Governance (enkel aangeboden in het Engels)
Master of European Integration: Track 6: European Environmental Governance - European External Relations and Security Policy (enkel aangeboden in het Engels)
Master of European Integration: Track 8: European Environmental Governance - Digitalisation and Europe (enkel aangeboden in het Engels)