8 ECTS credits
200 h study time

Offer 1 with catalog number 4018688ENR for all students in the 1st and 2nd semester at a (E) Master - advanced level.

1st and 2nd semester
Enrollment based on exam contract
Grading method
Grading (scale from 0 to 20)
Can retake in second session
Enrollment Requirements
For this course you have to meet certain enrolment requirements. For an overview of the enrolment requirements check https://www.vub.be/en/studying-vub/practical-info-for-students/study-guidance/study-path/individual-study-path#paragraph--id--71647 
Taught in
Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy
Bewegings- en Sportwetenschappen
Educational team
Eva D'Hondt (course titular)
Activities and contact hours
4 contact hours Lecture
190 contact hours Independent or External Form of Study
Course Content

This course represents the 1st year during which the student is actively part of a local research group in Belgium (VUB, UGent, …) and/or (temporarily) abroad in the context of an ongoing research project, under the supervision of a mentor (= PhD (student) or postdoc) and (at least one) promotor (= ZAP).

The student is responsible for carrying out various research activities, including, for example, acquiring an extensive knowledge of the specific international scientific literature, formulating a specific research question within the broader research project, planning and executing the specific research design, contacting and recruiting participants, assisting in data collection, processing and analysis, reporting and discussing study findings, as well as attending research team meetings within the framework of the chosen research project.

The emphasis is thus on developing the required scientific research competences in the field of Physical Activity, Fitness and Health (PAFH). The exact content and personal responsibilities are obviously strongly project-based, but for each student requirements are the same in terms of reporting (with a focus on personal progression), individual feedback sessions with the internship coordinator (N=2) and the desired final product, which is a full manuscript draft of a submittable A1 article (in ENG) with authorship.

Each student is encouraged to attend at least 1 domestic or foreign PhD defence within the field of PAFH research during the academic year and will also be systematically invited (without obligation) to participate in the activities organized by the UGent-VUB Alliance Research Group PANU.

Course material
Practical course material (Required) : Alle vormen van studiemateriaal (algemene documenten en deze eigen aan de onderzoeksstage), Voorzien door Coördinator/Begeleider/Promotor
Digital course material (Required) : E-Portfolio, Door de student zelf aan te maken en systematisch bij te houden via OneDrive (Office 365) i.f.v. permanente evaluatie, VUB
Additional info

The focus of the ongoing research project, in which the student participates for this internship, must be sufficiently different from the topic examined in the context of the Master’s thesis!

It is possible that the supervisor of the actual research internship requests that the individual student is also registered for or has passed additional courses (besides the aforementioned enrolment requirements) in view of the specific research project(‘s content and required expertise).

Since English is the international main language in scientific research, a good knowledge and mastery thereof is recommended. Accordingly, some of the lectures will be taught in English.

Learning Outcomes

General learning outcomes

- During the research internship, the student is actively introduced to the essential aspects of scientific research as it is conducted within academic institutions at the national and international level.

- The student tries to develop and refine the predefined academic competences (specific to the research project) in the best possible way. This includes, among other things, acquiring an extensive knowledge of the specific research literature and formulating appropriate research questions, being able to perform field- and/or lab-based work, to correctly apply methodology and statistics, to obtain a critical attitude and good writing skills.

- The student is able to function well in a(n international) research team and thus learn to work together constructively, making use of correct communication.

- Based upon the work conducted during the 1st part of their research internship and some joint writing sessions, the student can present a submittable A1 article (in ENG) with authorship at the end of the academic year.

- The student can demonstrate the necessary self-management, productivity and flexibility in the course of the research internship.

- Passing the 'Research Internship in Physical Activity, Fitness and Health, Part II' does not imply that the student has acquired the unique learning outcomes of 'Research Internship in Physical Activity, Fitness and Health, Part I'.


The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Other Exam determines 100% of the final mark.

Within the Other Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:

  • Product: Submitbaar A1 artikel with a relative weight of 4 which comprises 40% of the final mark.
  • Proces: E-Portfolio OZ Stage with a relative weight of 5 which comprises 50% of the final mark.
  • Proces: Feedbackgesprekken with a relative weight of 1 which comprises 10% of the final mark.

Additional info regarding evaluation

The assessment of this course consists of 3 examination parts:

- Assessment of the A1 article draft (in ENG) with authorship by both the coordinator and the mentor/promotor of the research internship based on predefined criteria [= product evaluation].

- Assessment of the E-portfolio to be maintained by the student (via OneDrive, Office 365), in which acquired research competencies are demonstrated, research activities are reported, realistic schedules are made and self-critical reflection reports are posted, and this in combination with a final assessment form to be completed by the mentor/promotor of the research internship [= process evaluation].

- Assessment based on 2 periodic and individual feedback sessions with the coordinator of the research internship about the substantive and practical aspects thereof and the associated learning process (to honor relative progress, commitment and scientific attitude) [= process evaluation].

[ATTENTION:] Absence from a mandatory part of the evaluation, leads to an ‘absent’ as a result code.

[ATTENTION:] To pass this course, a minimum of 10/20 for each examination part (N=3) is required! In case of an insufficient mark on one or more examination parts, the lowest subscore will be used as the final score instead of the weighted average. The partial result of an examination part, with at least a subscore of 10/20, will be automatically transferred to the 2nd term exam period. If the course needs to be retaken, the partial result of an examination part, with at least a subscore of 10/20, will also be automatically transferred to the following academic year. A student cannot refrain from this automatic transfer(s) of the partial result.

Allowed unsatisfactory mark
The supplementary Teaching and Examination Regulations of your faculty stipulate whether an allowed unsatisfactory mark for this programme unit is permitted.

Academic context

This offer is part of the following study plans:
Master of Movement and Sports Sciences: Physical Activity, Fitness and Health Profile Profile Research (only offered in Dutch)