6 ECTS credits
150 h study time

Offer 1 with catalog number 1015622BNR for all students in the 1st semester at a (B) Bachelor - advanced level.

1st semester
Enrollment based on exam contract
Grading method
Grading (scale from 0 to 20)
Can retake in second session
Enrollment Requirements
Students must have taken 'Morphosyntax: Sprechen und Schreiben' before they can enroll in 'Textlinguistik'​. If you are enrolled in a preparatory programme you can register this course without restrictions.
Taught in
Faculty of Languages & Humanities
Linguistics and Literary Studies
Educational team
Katja Lochtman (course titular)
Activities and contact hours
26 contact hours Lecture
59 contact hours Independent or External Form of Study
Course Content

In this course the following issues will be discussed:  What is a sentence (German syntax), what is a Text?, "Valenz" and "Argumentstruktur", the passive voice, word oder: "das topologische Satzmodel"l, word order and Information structure, text linguistics.

Course material
Digital course material (Required) : De tekst en de powerpointpresentaties van het hoorcollege evenals oefeningen, Canvas en/of via e-mail ter beschikking gesteld
Additional info

All course materials (texts, exercises and powerpoint präsentations) will be made available on Canvas. Students are also expected to take notes during the course.

Learning Outcomes

General competencies

- The students gain insight into syntactical and text structures of modern German
- The students acquire oral presentation skills in German
- The students improve their competence in German


The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Oral Exam determines 50% of the final mark.
LEC Presentation determines 50% of the final mark.

Within the Oral Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:

  • Mondeling examen with a relative weight of 1 which comprises 50% of the final mark.

    Note: De examenvragen worden in de laatste les uitgedeeld, zodat de studenten bij onduidelijkheden nog vragen kunnen stellen.

Within the LEC Presentation category, the following assignments need to be completed:

  • Referaat/Paper with a relative weight of 1 which comprises 50% of the final mark.

    Note: Het referaat (de geschreven basistekst, de inhoud, de manier van presentatie, de originaliteit) bepaalt de helft van het cijfer.

Additional info regarding evaluation

The presentation/paper (content, way of presenting, originality) determines half of the end mark. The other half  is acquired at the oral exam. The exam questions will be made available in the last session. Students must participate in all parts of the evaluation process in order to pass the course. Students have to succeed in all parts of the evaluation process to obtain a pass mark for the whole course. Students who fail to participate in all the parts of the evaluation procedure will be automatically marked as ‘absent’. Students can transfer to the next exam session the results of those parts of the evaluation process for which they have obtained a pass mark (= min. 10/20). If the student did not obtain a pass mark or was absent for the presentation/paper in the first exam session, the paper has to be (re-)submitted as part of the second exam session. At the oral exam, students are granted written preparation time.

Allowed unsatisfactory mark
The supplementary Teaching and Examination Regulations of your faculty stipulate whether an allowed unsatisfactory mark for this programme unit is permitted.

Academic context

This offer is part of the following study plans:
Bridging Programme Master of Arts in Linguistics and Literary Studies: Default track (only offered in Dutch)
Bridging Programme Master of Teaching in Languages: Standaard traject (only offered in Dutch)
Preparatory Programme Master of Arts in Linguistics and Literary Studies: one language - TTK (only offered in Dutch)
Preparatory Programme Master of Arts in Linguistics and Literary Studies: one language (only offered in Dutch)
Preparatory Programme Master of Arts in Linguistics and Literary Studies: one language - after third lng (only offered in Dutch)