3 ECTS credits
78 h study time

Offer 1 with catalog number 4018275FEW for working students in the 1st semester at a (F) Master - specialised level.

1st semester
Enrollment based on exam contract
Grading method
Grading (scale from 0 to 20)
Can retake in second session
Taught in
Faculteit Geneeskunde en Farmacie
Public Health Sciences
Educational team
Johan Bilsen (course titular)
Lara Vesentini
Activities and contact hours
26 contact hours Lecture
Course Content

The following topics are discussed on the basis of concrete material, group presentations and interactive group discussions with teacher:

-Health, social medicine, public health, health sciences
-History, challenges of public health
-Epidemiological profile of some major diseases and disorders
-Determinants of Health
-Health Differences
-Disease prevention, health protection, health promotion, screening
-International Health, Health for All, WHO
-Measuring and investigating health and determinants, impact assessment,economic evaluation                                                                      

-Important epidemiological measures                                                                                                                                                                                                        

-Specific topics: e.g. aging, end-of-life care, mental health, environment and health,...                                                                                                                            

-Social medicine in the field, e.g. occupational and child health care, insurance medicine

Course material
Handbook (Required) : Volksgezondheid en Gezondheidszorg, J.P.Mackenbach, P.J.van der Maas, 8ste herziene druk, Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 9789036826235, 2021
Digital course material (Recommended) : Websites: bv. Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie WHO, European Public Health Association EUPHA, Wetenschappelijk Instituut voor Volksgezondheid WIV, Vlaamse Gezondheidsindicatoren, United Nations Millenium Project, 2012
Handbook (Recommended) : Epidemiology, Leon Gordis., 5de, Saunders Elsevier, 9780323552295, 2019
Handbook (Recommended) : Epidemiologisch onderzoek:opzet en interpretatie, Bouter LM, Dongen MCIM van, Zielhuis GA., BIB, 9789031378135, 2010
Handbook (Recommended) : Gezondheidsvoorlichting en gedragsverandering, Een planmmatige aanpak, J.Brug, H.Schaalma, G.Kok, R.M.Meertens, H.T.van der Molen, 9de, Van Gorcum, 9789023258643, 2023
Digital course material (Required) : Slides van de hoorcolleges, Prof. J. Bilsen, Canvas
Digital course material (Required) : Aanvullende artikels, online of hardcopy (bv. over internationale public health)
Additional info

This course requires compulsory attendance, as part of the lectures is devoted to the presentation of the group work, which is discussed with the lecturere and fellow students

Guest speakers will be invited to the lectures with regard to the application of public health in specific domains (child health, occupational health, environmental health, ...)

Learning Outcomes

General competencies


-The student understands what is meant by "health", "public health", "social medicine" and "health sciences" and explain the mutual relations.
-The student can explain priorities within public health and social medicine, and how these disciplines approach reality.
-The student can show the importance of these disciplines for their own education as healthcare workers
-Students can summarize the historical development of this discipline, the main contributions and the significant challenges for the future.
-Students can use the most current concepts within the field of public health and epidemiology in the right way and context and explain them in their own words.
-Students can explain the most important concepts used in public health measurement and in the analysis of trends, determinants and differences.
-Students can indicate the most important public health problems in Belgium and the Netherlands, and internationally, and point to the main underlying determinants, taking into account health disparities within the population.
-Students can explain what is meant by primary, secondary and prevention. They can explain the principles of health promotion, health protection, disease prevention, systematic early detection, screening, and identify methods used and measures of effectiveness. They can evaluate the appropriateness of certain initiatives on the basis of potential health benefits, health effects, ethical considerations….
-Students can provide an overview of a number of concrete Flemish preventive health initiatives.
-The student can discuss public health priorities on European and global level, and the role of the WHO in this.
-Students are able to critically analyze a public health problem, developing solutions and programs.


The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Written Exam determines 65% of the final mark.
LEC Teamwork determines 35% of the final mark.

Within the Written Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:

  • written exam with a relative weight of 1 which comprises 65% of the final mark.

    Note: written examen (13/20)

Within the LEC Teamwork category, the following assignments need to be completed:

  • group presentation with a relative weight of 1 which comprises 35% of the final mark.

    Note: presentation of group work about part of the study material discussed with peers and teacher (7/10)

Additional info regarding evaluation

- Group work of part of the study material, discussed with peers and teacher (7/20)
- Written exam (13/20)

To pass the exam, the student has to earn 10/20 for each part 

Allowed unsatisfactory mark
The supplementary Teaching and Examination Regulations of your faculty stipulate whether an allowed unsatisfactory mark for this programme unit is permitted.

Academic context

This offer is part of the following study plans:
Master of Management and Policy in Health Care: Standaard traject (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Movement and Sports Sciences: Physical Activity, Fitness and Health Profile Profile Research (only offered in Dutch)